Overcoming Performance-inhibiting Factors to Serve Gamers in Emerging Markets & Beyond

Overcoming Performance-inhibiting Factors to Serve Gamers in Emerging Markets & Beyond

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Overcoming Performance-inhibiting Factors to Serve Gamers in Emerging Markets & Beyond

Tue 29, 11 2022

Experience is everything for gamers, yet there are factors outside of the gaming company’s control that will affect performance. In emerging markets especially, factors like relative underdevelopment of network infrastructure, fractured ISP landscape, and limited public cloud presence make it more difficult for gaming companies to ensure the kind of performance gamers expect.

This Infrastructure Guide is authored by experts at Zenlayer who have been helping gaming companies deploy services in hard-to-reach markets for years. By reading the ebook, you will learn how some key emerging markets rate on performance factors and how Zenlayer's edge cloud services can improve gaming performance significantly. You will see specific examples of solutions to key gaming use cases architected for Zenlayer customers.

To view the interactive guide, click below:

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