The global video streaming industry is a multi-billion-dollar market that’s enabled streaming services of every size to succeed. Yet, with great success comes new risks and responsibilities. The rapid growth of streaming services means that they are now not only home to high-value content but, in some cases, data from millions of customers. Cybercriminals now see streaming services as a treasure trove and are eager to mine premium content and users’ data including, customer payment details, email addresses, physical addresses, and names. Inevitably, the more successful a streaming service is, the more personal data it has, which makes it an increasingly attractive proposition to cybercriminals because they have a greater surface area to attack. Growing pains in these organizations can lead to an increase in cyberattacks that take advantage of the vulnerabilities specific to OTT platforms and technologies.
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IABM Head of Membership Engagement Lisa Collins and Head of Digital Ben Dales
discuss the challenges and opportunities with Digital Events.View More
The past decade has seen an influx of digital-native media companies which have thrived completely online. These are companies that have scaled up without the legacy infrastructure that their traditional counterparts have long relied on (and now have to wean themselves off).
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COVID-19 impacted revenue drivers such the transition to 4K/UHD; the occurrence of major sports events; the acceleration of the transition to DTC models / Pay TV decline.
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Omdia, in partnership with Oracle, interviewed heads of service, marketing, operations, revenue, information, and technology across media & entertainment firms (M&E). The interviews were conducted in May 2020 across the B2C publishing, broadcasting, digital media, filming and entertainment studios, gaming, and sports franchises sub-categories to determine their level of involvement and progress toward digital transformation. The survey also aimed to seek insights to help highlight the critical technologies that enable proactive and relevant digital customer engagements, as well as reveal the barriers to digital transformation.
This resulting Omdia research highlights the business and technological challenges Media & Entertainment firms face in orchestrating engagement with prospects and customers across channels, devices, and their enterprises while monetizing content. It also highlights insights that reveal maturity levels of the core CX capabilities and technologies that are helping to achieve success; as well as future investment plans in emerging technology and digital to enable enterprise omni-channel engagement.
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Six steps to guide your business through a metadata transformation process to deliver world class entertainment experiences and become a future-proofed business.
In this paper we’re going to focus on Metadata in the context of the Media & Entertainment Industry and why it’s the most important thing you need to consider right now. We’re going to give you an outline of the steps you need to go through to get from where you are today, to where you need to be, to drive world class entertainment experiences.
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This panel of supply chain experts examine the state of business, operational and technical risk at media companies. With the pandemic accelerating established technology transitions such as the move to virtualized infrastructures, have media companies effectively managed the security risks that this transition implies. And what about the increasing use of data to drive media operations, will that pose new challenges that media professionals have not been accustomed to deal with? This session is laser focused on every type of risk encountered by media companies in today’s volatile media world. It is an ideal session for media technology professionals wanting to grow their awareness of new types of risks that could radically affect their work as well as how to manage them effectively.
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The third day will open with a tale of two specific sectors that were affected by pandemic in both similar and different ways: SVOD and AVOD economics. While streaming in general surged on the back of increased consumer demand, advertising expenditure was hit by the pandemic, impairing the increasing interest in AVOD business models, and consolidating the success of subscription-based economics. However, SVOD remains an expensive proposition given the level of content diversity demanded by consumers as well as the competition in the market. Everyone is looking for some sort of differentiation, which makes AVOD and hybrid models still appealing to media executives. What is the state of the nation now and how are things going to pan out in the future? We will talk to a panel of executives experienced in monetization models to understand this in a session packed with money-related insights.
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This session features a panel who examine suppliers’ transition to as-a-service models. The expedited move to remote working caused by the pandemic has forced technology suppliers in the media industry to accelerate their transition from large and infrequent monetary inflows to smaller and more continuous cash streams. At the same time, the pandemic has also forced suppliers to prop up virtual and continuous engagement with their customers due to the absence of trade shows. What are the major implications of this for technology providers in the media industry? How do you plan, develop and price the new as-a-service offerings? How do you forecast revenue streams in a time of unprecedented change? We try to answer these questions with a panel of leaders at major technology suppliers in our industry who explore the challenges and benefits of as-a-service models, and how to make it work.
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Over the last decade, with the likes of Uber, Monzo and Netflix dominating and disrupting traditional industries, we’ve seen first-hand the revolutionary potential of digital transformation. The acceleration of digital technology has become a buzzword yet again in 2020 with the emergence of Covid-19. The pandemic has sped up several incubating trends over the last four months and digital is now a universal requirement for every business that remains in business today. It is also the means to productivity and resilience from future crises and shocks.
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