Norsk low-code SDK – making live easy

Norsk low-code SDK – making live easy

IABM Journal

Norsk low-code SDK – making live easy

Tue 02, 07 2024

Norsk low-code SDK – making live easy

BaM Award® – Produce

If you want to explain a live video workflow to another human being, it’s easy: “We need three SRT cameras that I can control with a video switcher, with an automated fallback to slate if all are offline. We’ll run a news ticker in the lower third and a logo in the upper right. We’ll need English and Spanish subtitles and audio tracks, and we’ll send a WebRTC output to one CDN and a CMAF output to another.”

Now try to create that same workflow on a computer. Go ahead, we’ll wait.

Chances are, it would take seasoned video engineers thousands upon thousands of lines of code and many months to build something that we believe should be straightforward. And that’s where Norsk Media Server comes in. It’s built on many thousands of lines of complex code, but comes with a TypeScript SDK (though it works with any gRPC-compliant language) that empowers developers to build that kind of workflow in hundreds, rather than hundreds of thousands, of lines of code.

And that’s just one example of what you can build. Norsk is suitable for any and all live streaming workflows, from simple “source in, ABR ladder out” to highly complex systems such as live sports featuring picture-in-picture and player statistics, Zoom-like video conferencing applications, or live concerts featuring multiple audio experiences that can be customized by the viewer. Unlike off-the-shelf tools that are limited by what’s available out of the box, Norsk is limited only by your vision, freeing you to build the exact viewer experience your audience wants and deserves.

In addition to flexibility and efficiency, Norsk also offers unparalleled reliability. id3as, the company behind Norsk, built its reputation creating custom solutions that were “good on a bad day,” and we’ve built that dependability into Norsk. Rule #1 of live events is that things do go wrong, but Norsk is built with failsafes to ensure that if one process or element of the workflow fails, the rest of the workflow stays running. For instance, it’s easy to build in custom logic so that if a camera feed drops out, the system will automatically switch to another camera or even a slate. Norsk also features an optional Infrastructure Manager component so that if, say, the cloud region or server on which an event is running fails, Norsk seamlessly moves the entire workflow to another location.

In addition to the low-code SDK that won the IABM BaM Produce award, we now have  Norsk Studio, a no-code, drag-and-drop interface that empowers programmers and non-programmers alike to build workflows using predefined components (such as “SRT Input,” “Camera Switcher,” “CMAF Output” etc.) that can be extended by developers to suit customers’ precise requirements. Further still, developers can build their own Studio components using the SDK, with the end result being a completely custom version of Studio tailored to their exact needs.

In choosing Norsk low-code SDK as the Produce BaM Award® winner, the judges said: “This is a very compelling approach to handling video in an IP/SDK environment…this product will make a huge difference to those facilities where ideas for a streaming channel would be difficult to afford or to explain to a vendor to create. This toolkit is well thought through and uses a common approach and terminology – such that operational people would be able to come up with and design viable workflows.”


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