5 Life-Saver Tips from a Hybrid Remote Team To You

5 Life-Saver Tips from a Hybrid Remote Team To You


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5 Life-Saver Tips from a Hybrid Remote Team To You

Article from Newsbridge

Fri 26, 06 2020

The Remote Revolution Is Here

And may be here to stay for a couple weeks…or even months due to the strict global regulations regarding the recent COVID-19 pandemic.

From our team to yours, Newsbridge’s original hybrid remote team thought it would be a great idea to share some remote-working tips for those who have had little or no prior experience working from home.

🔮As our CTO Fréderic Petitpont prophetically stated earlier this year: https://newsbridge.io/remote-work-culture-at-newsbridge/

1. Establish a Routine

Ok… before you roll your eyes on this one, hear us out! This is actually an extremely important habit that is developed early on in the remote-working lifestyle that can make or break your productivity levels. It is super easy to set the alarm for 9 AM and grab your laptop from your night stand…getting straight to work- but this is only further blending the boundaries between work and home. This can lead to a difficult work-life balance.

Let’s keep the bed for sleeping, and the desk for working- unless you want to associate your sleep with work, or vice versa.

Everything you did before (it’s only been a couple weeks so we hope you remember!) to get ready for work should still be part of the morning routine- that’s right….shower, breakfast, coffee switching from PJs to work clothes (ok this one is debatable depending on how cool your management is). These routines will put you in a psychological state similar to that of work as you used to know it- sustaining your normal productivity levels.

2. Get Geared Up: Dedicated Workspace and Gadgets

Despite the circumstances, now is the time to forget feeling at home and remember that you’re at work. Creating a space and designating it as your work zone is essential. Many times your external environment can influence your internal state of mind- so try to replicate the office as much as possible.

If you have an extra room with a desk, great! If not, or if you are sharing with family members, it is extremely important to at least have your own work stations. Don’t have one? Try repurposing an old table and grab the most comfortable chair in your house. Take it one step further by finding a well-lit area…bonus points if you can keep your space organized (your mind and family will thank you)!

Here are some ideas for must-have workspace devices for the ideal home office setup.

3. And…Get Up!

If you are not used to working remotely- it is really tempting to just sit in the same position all day, especially when you’re concentrated on your task-at-hand. Now more than ever it is important to remember to get up and take breaks- walk up and down your stairs or just simply take a deep stretch to relieve any tension you are feeling.

At the office we’re used to getting up for coffee, saying hi to Yvan and Emilie in Sales, walking a couple blocks to get lunch- now we’re not doing any of that. Here’s an application that is great for reminding you to move!

4. Stay Connected

It is still unknown exactly how many people are self-isolating due to the current pandemic, but of the many who are confined to their homes by themselves, you may be alone but you are not apart! Technology is on your side for this one.

In the case of Newsbridge employees, due to our hybrid remote culture, we have a virtual meet-up link in Slack that anyone can jump on whenever they want called Machine à Café which allows for our employees to gather around ‘The Coffee Machine’ in the comfort of their own homes while also being able to live chat with multiple colleagues at the same time.

5. Be Flexible & Communicate When You’re Available

What we are all experiencing now is not typical remote working- this is global remote working in response to a deadly pandemic. We’ve all got things to be doing….getting the groceries done before curfew, making sure the kids are fed and that homeschooling is going okay. Some of us have family members that are infected, and we are taking care of them simultaneously.

We are dealing with an array of physical, emotional and financial burdens. That said, try to be patient with your team and know that everyone is fighting their own battle. As long as everyone’s getting the job done, there is nothing to fear! Just let your colleagues know when you are and are not available so everyone can plan accordingly.

The Newsbridge team personally likes to use Slack’s status feature, showing when our colleagues are sick, eating, taking care of their children, etc.

👍 You’ve Got This!

The last piece of advice we have is to try to keep a positive attitude. Whether that comes from virtual happy hours or checking in on colleagues who may need a lifting of spirits- we all have a role to play in keeping our team motivated, working toward a collective goal and helping everyone see the light at the end of the tunnel…because this too shall pass.

Advice To The Public

For further information regarding COVID-19 preventative measures, please refer to the latest public advice from the World Health Organization.

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