In Conversation with Clear-Com

In Conversation with Clear-Com


Interviews with IABM Members
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IABM Article

In Conversation with Clear-Com

Thu 11, 06 2020

In this IABM T interview, Bob Boster (President, Clear-Com) discusses the some of trends Clear-Com are seeing emerge in broadcast.

1. How is Clear-Com responding and evolving to address the current situation with COVID-19?
2. What trends have you seen emerge in broadcast? Is this something where we’re seeing completely new workflows or simply bumping up the speed of adoption for workflows that were already being considered?
3. Have you had any unique customer requests come through during this time, or have you found Clear-Com solutions being considered for new markets and applications?
4. Do you have any new products or product updates to share with us?
5. How do you see the industry finding new ways to communicate and network over the next 6 – 9 months, given than many tradeshows have been canceled or postponed?

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