In Conversation with Veritone

In Conversation with Veritone

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In Conversation with Veritone

Mon 04, 01 2021

IABM TV interview with Greg Loose, Head of Media and Entertainment at Veritone, a technology industry veteran with over 20 years of experience in product and software development, cloud strategy and media management.

Greg discusses a variety of media and entertainment trends, including:

  • COVID-19’s impact on M&E and how things will change in 2021: Greg believes that being able to produce content, especially editing and post-production work, using remote and cloud utilities is going to be a necessity.
  • Leveraging existing content to satisfy consumer demand: With more and more people at home wanting to consume more and more content, content creators have been tasked with making unique, compelling content to satisfy that need while also overcoming production difficulties to remote work.

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