farmerswife Case Study: Instant News Services

farmerswife Case Study: Instant News Services


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farmerswife Case Study: Instant News Services

Wed 26, 05 2021

Introducing and using farmerswife at INS has been a game-changer for our business, our resources and our clients.

Belgium, Brussels
Broadcast, online event, post production and media production.

Instant News Services (INS) is an audiovisual production company based in Brussels. For over thirty years, European institutions, government agencies, businesses and world-leading broadcasters have trusted INS to tell their stories through compelling and innovative multimedia content produced around the world. We’re experts at capturing the essence of an event, policy or initiative and bringing it to the screen. INS boasts an unparalleled network of creative professionals, with whom we produce hundreds of interviews, reportages and animations every year.


Our network of in-house resources, freelancers and external contributors were mainly coordinated by phone, mail or text message. Once bookings were confirmed, the production team had to note them down in a paper agenda, as well as on a whiteboard situated at the heart of the production office, visible by all the people booked that day.

At the end of the day, our collaborators had to complete a form to confirm the bookings done during the past day. Those forms were used to invoice our clients and our freelancers.


We have been using farmerswife since January 2020 and it has radically changed the global view on the workflow in terms of timeline.

After explaining our way-of-working and undertaking a short setup phase with farmerswife, we introduced a cloud version of farmerswife which offers a range of new tools which we use to organise and follow productions at INS. Within a couple of weeks we passed from a purely analogue way of working to a fully digital schedule that can be shared with all members of our production team and our creative collaborators.

As we work mainly in news gathering with short deadlines, using farmerswife improved our reactivity when bookings are requested in less than an hour. The production teams have a dynamic and visual tool to identify the resources and profiles available. We intend to continue the implementation with our financial teams, allowing us to manage a complete workflow from client request to invoice within the farmerswife environment. A third phase will be to invite all our human resources and freelancers to access the platform and participate in the planning. Last but not least, we will use farmerswife to index our technical equipment and oversee its deployment and maintenance.


Support has always been very accessible and very helpful.

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