Object Matrix: MatrixStore

Object Matrix: MatrixStore

IABM Journal

Object Matrix: MatrixStore

Journal Article by Object Matrix

Tue 20, 12 2022

It is essential in any media workflow that assets are kept safe, yet accessible, at every step of the process. MatrixStore is a media-focused private and hybrid cloud-based solution, built on digital content governance and object storage, that enables media companies to better organise and share their archives. MatrixStore offers smooth and seamless integration with existing workflows as it is designed to work with multiple widely used third party solutions. This integration combined with the user-friendly interface means that users can find and access their content quickly, anytime, anywhere, helping to use their time to the greatest effect, getting their content delivered more quickly and maximising monetisation opportunities.

MatrixStore includes integrated disaster recovery (DR) and business continuity provision, seamless access to deep archive content, as well as ensuring future proof access to assets with automatic migration to the latest hardware platforms.

Cybersecurity is an important point of concern for media storage. If there is potential for an operating system to be hacked, then the owner’s data will be compromised, regardless of how immutable it is. As such, Object Matrix has created MatrixStore to be a key defence against ransomware attacks. It is a highly firewalled solution, that provides a range of additional defences against hackers trying to encrypt data. This is key in preventing disruption across the media chain, where stored data can be compromised.

MatrixStore allows organisations to choose a coherent mix of platforms to create a perfectly integrated, bespoke storage platform for their business. Not only does this mean you can effortlessly move between on-prem, private and public clouds, but you can also enjoy the benefits of high-speed workflows, enhanced security and seamless synchronisation of your content and metadata. The ability to choose, ensures organisations can create the most efficient combination of storage platforms to suit their needs. For larger archive deployments, MatrixStore S3connect can be load balanced, providing improved performance and redundancy.

MatrixStore also offers enhanced auditing capabilities, allowing administrators to track which users have accessed specific files. This includes file names and information about the parent and hierarchy when audits are enabled and exported from a content vault.

From making media fully searchable and accelerating access, to adding an extra layer of protection for content and understanding the actions made to assets. Object Matrix is committed to delivering the enhancements and integrations that help bridge the gap between creatives and content, something MatrixStore excels at.

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