MISTV successfully implements broadcast management system for PRIMA GROUP

MISTV successfully implements broadcast management system for PRIMA GROUP


MISTV successfully implements broadcast management system for PRIMA GROUP

Thu 16, 11 2023

Prague, Nov. 14, 2023

MISTV has successfully finished implementation of MISTV® MIRA – broadcast management and advertising sales integrated solution for Czech media house PRIMA GROUP which started using MISTV® MIRA for the administration of their operations.

The implementation has been quite a challenge due to client size with more than 200 users and a 4-month time limit for the project, in order to avoid interfering with the client’s top season. Prima Group now has a fast and flexible solution, with a clear and user-friendly UI, which fully supports best workflow practices, including working with multiple elements (sub-modules) at the same time. All these advantages combined, result in significant time saving for users, giving them the possibility to focus on their work instead of dealing with delays, outdated workflows and UI.

We also optimized the extensive and complex processes of Prima Group while adapting MISTV® MIRA to their specifications, to benefit from the full potential of our solution. This means that we managed to improve Prima Group´s workflow structure and speed, reducing carbon footprint and providing an optimal framework for increasing revenue. “Thanks to the great cooperation from both sides, the whole project was a great success,” said Libor Adamek, CEO at MISTV company.


Prima Group is one of two leading broadcasters in the Czech Republic, running 11 linear channels including CNN Prima News in partnership with CNN International, 6 radio stations and a wide portfolio of websites and printed magazines. Prima Group also has its own VOD platform prima+. https://www.skupinaprima.cz/


MISTV company with headquarters in Prague is a long-established, leading player on the international market with more than 25 years of experience in the business. It is providing complex solutions for advertising sales, rights, content and broadcast management and it is specializing in the development of software solutions for TV broadcasters. https://www.mistv.eu

MISTV® MIRA is a brand-new generation of integrated solutions built to meet today’s complex demands and needs for operational administration of TV stations and/or advertising sales houses. MISTV® MIRA is strongly focused on automatization and optimization of all processes in the TV business, offering a fully customizable environment according to the client’s needs, powered by Microsoft® .NET Framework and Oracle® RDBMS. It is a user friendly, scalable, efficient, and powerful tool for the administration of media business. https://www.mistv.eu/#features


Jiří Gabriel, COO


+420 255 709 098

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