TAG Revolutionizes Closed Captions & Subtitles Quality Assurance with New Language Detection Feature

TAG Revolutionizes Closed Captions & Subtitles Quality Assurance with New Language Detection Feature

TAG Revolutionizes Closed Captions & Subtitles Quality Assurance with New Language Detection Feature

Thu 09, 05 2024

TAG Video Systems has introduced a groundbreaking Language Detection feature aimed at revolutionizing how operators ensure quality and compliance across large-scale operations with multiple closed captions and language subtitles. Unveiled at NAB 2024, this innovative technology offers automation and precision to the traditionally labor-intensive world of caption quality assurance.

The Challenge of Multi-Language and Large Scale Captions Monitoring

In today’s global content landscape, accurate and compliant captions are essential for a positive viewer experience. However, operators face challenges in ensuring captions meet the mark, especially across multiple languages. The sheer scale of video content production makes manual caption monitoring overwhelming and prone to errors.

How It Works

TAG’s Language Detection feature utilizes advanced algorithms to automatically identify the language of subtitles within video content. This technology performs meticulous quality analysis informed by language-specific dictionaries, providing data in the multiviewer output in the form of identified language and quality percentage against the identified language’s dictionary. This streamlines caption monitoring, offering benefits such as freeing up operator time, enabling proactive problem-solving, ensuring pinpoint accuracy, and facilitating informed decision-making through data visualization tools.

Recognized for Innovation

TAG Language Detection has already received significant industry recognition, winning awards such as NAB Product of the Year 2024 and Future’s Broadcast & Cable Best of Show 2024.

The Future of Caption Quality Assurance

TAG Video Systems’ Language Detection feature promises to reshape how operators approach caption quality assurance by injecting automation and precision into the process. As the demand for accurate and accessible multi-language content rises, this technology is poised to become an indispensable tool for ensuring a seamless and inclusive viewing experience for audiences worldwide.

About TAG

TAG Video Systems is a global leader in software-based integrated IP probing, monitoring, visualization, and analytics solutions. Their platform empowers broadcasters, content creators, and service providers to streamline operations, ensure video quality, improve efficiency across media workflows, and gain valuable business insights.

For more information, contact TAG Video Systems at:

Danna Mann

Europe: +33 1 86 26 94 00

US : +1 315 646 8400


Press contact:

Desert Moon Communications

Harriet Diener

+1 – 845-512-8283


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