AWS + Verizon 5G Edge: Accelerating Transformation for Media & Entertainment

AWS + Verizon 5G Edge: Accelerating Transformation for Media & Entertainment

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AWS + Verizon 5G Edge: Accelerating Transformation for Media & Entertainment

Tue 13, 04 2021

IP-based distribution of media content is rapidly becoming the standard. But it’s 5G that could truly transform the way content is created, distributed and consumed. In terms of workflows, 5G will have far reaching implications for organizations across the entire M&E landscape. Verizon 5G Edge is bringing us closer to a world where all assets will be created, stored and ultimately delivered in the cloud, providing more efficient production workflows, enabling greater creative freedom, supporting higher volume and quality of content, and lowering operating costs.

With informative presentations, latest production use cases, and a discussion panel of industry leaders, you’ll learn how to prepare your business to take advantage of the exciting benefits of 5G Edge.

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