9:00am - Arrival, Networking and Refreshments
9:30am - Sourcing: In or Out?
Measuring the Spectrum of MediaTech Sourcing Strategies
In this session, we will measure the spectrum of MediaTech sourcing strategies, addressing questions and dilemmas pertaining to this area. What is driving insourcing at media businesses? Has it become a fundamental feature in our industry, or will we see a retreat of in-house tech investment? Although most media businesses prefer best-of-breed solutions according to IABM research, which contexts drive different sourcing strategies and why?

Peter White
10:30am - Breakout Streams
Room 1
Energy and the issues of Measurement and Quality
By Greening of Streaming
A short intro to Greening of Streaming, and its efforts to raise Energy as a design KPI in streaming architecture. We will look at the organisation's efforts to measure live streaming energy impacts at scale, and the challenges that measurement faces. We will then go on to discuss targeting a “Good Enough" default service level, and the viability of such a target ‘in the real world'.

Room 2
How to be an Ally?
By Rise
What does it mean to be a good ally? What does a good ally look and sound like? Rise has launched a new Award this year specifically championing make allies in the sector who have driven the diversity conversation within their companies and across the industry. This panel will reflect on how we can encourage more people to be a good ally and the steps that each individual person can take.

11:30am - Networking and Refreshments
11:50am - A new era in IABM Broadcast and Media market intelligence
It’s never been more important to make better decisions. Remaining competitive in tough times needs good data and analysis to underpin business success. IABM and Caretta Research, two of the leading organisations in Broadcast and Media, announce an exciting new data service for IABM members.

Peter White

Rob Ambrose
Managing Director, Caretta Research
12:10pm - Standardization: Structure or Chaos?
Exploring Interconnectivity in the Age MediaTech Digitalization
In this session, we will explore interconnectivity in the age of MediaTech digitalization. Has interoperability become more of an issue in an increasingly digital industry? Who is managing it and what role do standards have to play in attenuating this issue? Are they still a potent tool to reduce complexity or have they become something out of the sector’s control? Should MediaTech organizations search for structure or embrace chaos to remain relevant?
1:00pm - Breakout Streams

Room 1
Digital Transformation in Newsroom
by CGI/France Télévisions
What is the key for an organization to be innovative and agile? For France Télévisions the journey has successfully begun by effectively managing the workflow of over 3,000 journalists working across over 40 newsrooms and limitless locations. In October 2019, France Télévisions embarked on a mission to find a solution for their end to end global workflow. Through its collaboration with CGI, in only 18 months, the media group has been able to establish a workflow whereby all editorial teams work with one tool across all news formats and channels (TV, radio, digital), sharing news sources, content and stories.
The implementation of NewsBoard followed by OpenMedia to France Télévisions’ workflow has eased collaboration between users and offers a high availability architecture that is easy to maintain.

Lorenzo Zanni
Room 2
What the Rise Up Academy is delivering to address the skills crisis
It is a well-known fact that our industry is facing a skills crisis that is impacting not only the talent pipeline but also editorial decisions and the bottom line of many companies. This session will share how the Rise Up Academy is addressing the skills and diversity crisis through its workshops and Summer Schools. As well as holding together the industry approach to the new Broadcast & Media T'level that will be launched in September 2023.

Room 3
Open Source containerisation enabling Media companies to efficiently use resources for video streaming
By Red Hat

Soon more than 80% of all internet traffic will be video-based. The increasing size and competitiveness of the video delivery segment places new economic and technological pressures on efficient content acquisition, management and delivery, as more premium content is live-streamed and on-demand available over the internet. This brings new challenges for media service companies. Join us for a discussion on how the next generation of open source technology helps optimize and accelerate the shift to cloud-native development, hybrid and open media ecosystem transformation for on-demand and live streaming services.

Stan Moote
2:00pm - Lunch, Networking and Refreshments
3:00pm: Buying: Native or Washed?
Assessing the Development of MediaTech Business Models
In this session, we will assess the development of MediaTech business models, with a particular focus on cloud operating models and new factors driving tech purchasing decisions such as sustainability. What are the economic challenges of cloud operating platforms? How can media technology suppliers develop business models in line with customers’ changing needs? How should the value of technology solutions be communicated to buyers?
4:00pm - Breakout Streams

Room 1
A funny thing happened on the way to IP
By DB Broadcast
Hear from customers in the UK that have had the ‘pleasure’ of installing a full IP based Broadcast facility. What has worked, what didn’t, what were the benefits to the business and the impacts on workflow and culture?

Darren Whitehead
Room 2
Strive to Rise

It is a well-known fact that our industry still has a lack of diversity across all roles and levels of seniority. Rise has been working to address this over the last few years and its new initiative, 'Strive to Rise', is a programme of work that specifically enables businesses to understand how they can achieve more gender diversity. The panel will talk through the framework and structure of the programme, and you will also hear from leaders across the sector who have already achieved a Rise Strive to Rise diamond status.
Room 3
The Rise of the Post Supervisor/Producer!

By Post Super
Technology, equipment & workflow for every TV & Film production is now driven by the new point person for Post Production - The Post Supervisor/Producer. Over the last ten years, the Post Supervisor/producer on each project has become a key HOD position, starting in prep & responsible for all decisions about Post, this previously smaller position is now responsible for workflow (technology & equipment), crew, budget & schedule, tailoring each project’s Post to the contractual delivery requirements needed at the end of the project. In this brilliant Panel from Post Super we will be exploring the disconnect & looking at both how/why this change has happened and what it means for the industry going forward.

Shuna Frood
Post Production Producer on Supacell, Netflix

Layla Blackman
Post Producer on Anansi Boys, Amazon

Basia Lalik
Co-Producer on His Dark Materials, BBC & HBO
5:00pm: Transformation: Evolution or Revolution?
Analyzing the Dimensions of Business Transformation in MediaTech
In this session, we will analyze the dimensions of business transformation in MediaTech. Should media businesses gradually evolve their organizations towards digital or rather take more risks, revolutionizing their approach to technology investment? What role do skills and culture at media businesses and tech suppliers play in enabling this transformation? Is one side of the industry moving at a greater speed than the other and why?

6:00pm - Tipple and Talk Drinks Reception
Thank you to our Sponsors and Platinum Members