bam shop window case study

bam shop window case study

BaM Shop Window™ Case Study: Datavideo

Case study title

The IABM BaM Shop Window is an online resource designed to help end-users source and find out more about the best products and services available in the industry. The portal is free to technology suppliers who wish to list their products and services.

The BaM Shop Window™ is built on IABM’s industry model – The BaM Content Chain®. The BaM Content Chain® is designed to accurately reflect the new structure of the broadcast and media industry and provide a flexible, extensible model to accommodate the fast-changing technology and business environment. The nine content chain segments are: Create, Produce, Manage, Publish, Monetize, Connect, Support, Store and Consume. These segments are then further refined into 315 different sub-categories, allowing broadcast and media technology buyers to drill down to a granular product/service level.

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The BaM Shop Window™ was created to serve both buyers and suppliers of products in the broadcast and media Industry. Buyers are be able to see all the available products and services logically grouped to provide speedy searching that exposes a wide range of choices. Technology suppliers gain exposure on the largest one-stop product/service shop window in the industry. Since its creation, the BaM Shop Window™ has been searched by over 175,000 end-users, and has generated over 1,500 successful leads. Reflecting IABM’s international reach, these users span the globe, representing 57 different countries to date accessing the BaM Shop Window™. The top users, by country are UK (32.05%), US (15.96%), India (5.36%), Canada (4.68%) and Germany (4.68%). The Asian region is also strongly represented at 28% of visitors.

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IABM Gold Member, Datavideo Technologies, has been an active user of the BaM Shop Window™, uploading a total of 39 products under the Create, Produce, Publish, Support and Store categories. Datavideo is known for its affordable end-to-end workflow solutions for broadcast and A/V applications which include products such as cameras, switchers, encoders, recorders, intercoms, converters, and other key products needed for live video production.

The BaM Shop Window™ satisfies real-world buyer needs, which is exactly what Datavideo are looking for now.

Angela Lin – Marketing Manager, Datavideo Technologies

“The BaM Shop Window™ provides a brand-new idea to offer the buyer a complete archive of products and services available across the broadcast industry” says Datavideo’s Marketing Manager, Angela Lin. “As Datavideo are providing turn-key solutions in live video production, The BaM Shop Window™ is definitely putting us in a very good position to show to buyers our complete solution.”

Datavideo Production Switchers

Datavideo Production Switchers on IABM BaM Shop Window™

Since Datavideo uploaded its products to the IABM BaM Shop Window™ back in August 2019, they have received 5,599 individual searches. They also gained 54 end-users visiting their website with the intention to purchase products. “We’ve received around 1,000 searches each month which is a great amount of exposure,” Lin added.

Part of the success of the BaM Shop Window™ has been down to the implementation of IABM’s Global Engaged Partner Program. This new initiative for users of broadcast & media technology is designed to foster collaboration and engagement across all sides of the industry. End-Users can apply to join this complimentary scheme to receive benefits such as access to business intelligence reports and IABM events. The GEP program has proved to be a great way of getting the message out about the BaM Shop Window™, which has helped many end-users to narrow their searches for suitable products.

IABM will continue to develop the BaM Shop Window™ in 2020, with the aim of further establishing it as the ‘go-to’ destination for end-users in the industry. It will also be enhanced from a supplier’s perspective, with plans for downloadable data-analytics already in motion. Members of IABM will be able to get valuable insights on how their products are performing on the BaM Shop Window™, which will include the number of searches and clicks on every product.


Access Datavideo’s website here.

Search the BaM Shop Window™ here.

Upload your products and services here.

For any questions regarding the BaM Shop Window™, please email

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