Creative Collaboration

Creative Collaboration


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Creative Collaboration

Journal Article from BitCentral

Fri 15, 04 2022

In any creative industry, working closely and sharing ideas with a team is vital. The broadcast journalism space is no exception, with collaboration at the very heart of day-to-day work. The pandemic has accelerated the need for collaborative tools to support this approach and companies need to ensure they have adequate and robust solutions to keep up with the increased demand. Broadcasters face the challenge of successfully managing remote work using Media Asset Management software (MAM) and effective communication with teams quickly and efficiently regardless of location.

I have no doubt that broadcasters can overcome these challenges and pave the way for new and exciting opportunities. However, it will require hosts to be ready to embrace the exciting new changes in the industry.

Bitcentral has been at the forefront of the evolution of the media landscape for over two decades now. With a focus on product development, often in close partnership with customers, the company has worked tirelessly to ensure that broadcasters have the most efficient media workflow solutions available. We’re providing the platform for successful collaboration, discovery, and content contribution with tools for editing and repurposing content to ensure long-term success in today’s highly competitive market.

MAM solutions that work

Broadcasters need to ensure that they are successfully delivering news at the click of a button. With information constantly available, having the right media asset management software can help them share stories with other stations and markets from multiple devices and locations.

Oasis is Bitcentral’s MAM, sharing, and archiving solution that enables broadcasters and their teams to deliver video, images, scripts, and other metadata efficiently from remote locations – perfect for addressing the challenges of working remotely.

To help support collaboration for news production and archiving, Oasis has field-centric tools that connect remote teams directly with the news studio. As a result, operators benefit from being able to push stories quicker, whether on-air or to social media and digital outlets.

For journalists out in the field or working remotely, Oasis enables them to download clips and upload edited packages to the newsroom efficiently and securely. Journalists can contribute from laptops, tablets, and mobile devices via a secure managed file transfer system to overcome any weak or interference-ridden mobile internet connections.

Maximizing value

The processes for successful collaborations across distances should be essential to a company’s business strategy. It requires a comprehensive, reliable, and highly streamlined process to help with time-saving and be cost-effective. Broadcasters need to ensure the system they have in place is accessible, easy to use, and robust to tackle vast amounts of workload.

Bitcentral’s Create is a demonstration of enhancing the collaborative production for companies across the media supply chain, including broadcasters, corporations, and other organizations collaborating on video projects.

Create is a browser-based, timeline editor designed to produce high-quality video content quickly and efficiently. Operators can use Create to log, proxy edit, and publish edited videos to various platforms in the most efficient manner, enabling greater visibility and efficiency. Create enables both in-house and remote staff to produce compelling stories in minutes and publish them due to its flexibility and editing features.

Users are given the added benefit of saving time – essential in today’s constant news consumption world – by being able to easily version source files as soon as they arrive and ingest/export content at scale. Create’s timecode-based logging of both live and file-based sources directly from the timeline provides the perfect infrastructure for users to distribute videos via Bitcentral’s Multipath to OTT, social media, syndication, and direct internal connections to MOS integrated newsroom computer systems.

Reliable and fast production tools are critical as the industry enters a new phase of working in which broadcast teams are spread across multiple locations. Working together as an effective team is the key to success, and with Bitcentral’s suite of products, the industry is well-prepared.

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