Digital media company deploys hybrid cloud in China using CoreSite and Zenlayer Cloud Networking

Digital media company deploys hybrid cloud in China using CoreSite and Zenlayer Cloud Networking


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MediaTech Intelligence

Digital media company deploys hybrid cloud in China using CoreSite and Zenlayer Cloud Networking

Fri 05, 03 2021


A global social and digital media company based in North America and Europe was exploring new business ventures within China but lacked a hybrid cloud interconnect solution for the highly regulated and unique Chinese market. The Client was an existing CoreSite customer, which provided the path to a simple solution. The Client turned to Zenlayer, a Coresite Open Cloud Exchange® and co-location partner, to bridge their network gap. Using Zenlayer Cloud Networking the Client was able to deploy a complete hybrid-cloud environment across their infrastructure within just a week.

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