Discussing Transformation – As-a-Service Economics Panel

Discussing Transformation – As-a-Service Economics Panel

MediaTech Intelligence

Discussing Transformation – As-a-Service Economics Panel

Fri 04, 12 2020

Peter White - Chair


Jeff Rosica


Serge Van Herck

Serge Van Herck


Timothy Shoulders

Tim Shoulders


This session features a panel who examine suppliers’ transition to as-a-service models. The expedited move to remote working caused by the pandemic has forced technology suppliers in the media industry to accelerate their transition from large and infrequent monetary inflows to smaller and more continuous cash streams. At the same time, the pandemic has also forced suppliers to prop up virtual and continuous engagement with their customers due to the absence of trade shows. What are the major implications of this for technology providers in the media industry? How do you plan, develop and price the new as-a-service offerings? How do you forecast revenue streams in a time of unprecedented change? We try to answer these questions with a panel of leaders at major technology suppliers in our industry who explore the challenges and benefits of as-a-service models, and how to make it work.

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