farmerswife Case Study: L’Immagine Ritrovata

farmerswife Case Study: L’Immagine Ritrovata


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farmerswife Case Study: L’Immagine Ritrovata

Fri 18, 02 2022

The Challenge

We’ve been running for 30 years; the lab was founded in 1992. The business has changed a lot overtime, when the lab started the world of cinema was analog and nowadays cinema is digital. We went through the biggest revolution since the beginning of cinema.

Before using farmerswife, the size of the company was smaller and we worked using common tools like Google Drive, Excel and so on. We got a professional software when we purchased farmerswife.

The big challenge for us was that by using the tools that were mentioned, Excel or Google Drive, we found that we were more rigid when making decisions. These tools were not as dynamic as farmerswife, that you can just stream and change in a click.

The Solution

We were in touch with farmerswife for a long time, but we finally started using it in 2020. farmerswife is nice, it’s pretty logic and familiar and we liked it since the beginning. We evaluated different softwares, and farmerswife was the best compromise for us: not too complicated but very professional.

Until now, we only use farmerswife for production when planning the restoration of films. We use it to put all the technical steps of this process, from the repair until deliverables. farmerswife is a big help to organize our planning because per year we restore more than 200 titles and every restoration project has different steps, so you can imagine that we have big volumes of tasks to manage, monitor, adapt and so on.

The flexibility of the software is key for us. Thanks to farmerswife we can be more reactive and flexible. When we get a last-minute call or last-minute change, thanks to farmerswife we are able to adapt, and it has changed the speed of how we can react to the clients’ requests. It makes us save a lot of time and nerves!

We are based in Bologna, but we also have sites in Paris and in Hong Kong. The next step for us with farmerswife, will be to install and introduce farmerswife into our other venues to have everything in one planning system as there’s a lot of exchange between the cities. In Paris, it’s already purchased, and we just settled the training date.

The Support

It’s good and running. I was in copy with some issue that was fixed with no problem!

About: L’Immagine Ritrovata

L’Immagine Ritrovata is a highly specialised film restoration laboratory. It was born and developed thanks to the good work of the Fondazione Cineteca di Bologna, with which the laboratory is in continual close collaboration.
Today, L’Immagine Ritrovata is an international point of reference in the field, due to its development of methodologies, its constant research work and the vast range of its activities in the restoration of world cinematographic heritage. The equipment with which the laboratory is furnished – facilities that include all workflows, from 4K to photochemical – is at the forefront of technological innovation and is designed for the restoration of film from every cinematic age.

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