Global gaming company uses Zenlayer Bare Metal Cloud to signficiantly lower latency & costs in Brazil

Global gaming company uses Zenlayer Bare Metal Cloud to signficiantly lower latency & costs in Brazil


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Global gaming company uses Zenlayer Bare Metal Cloud to signficiantly lower latency & costs in Brazil

Fri 05, 03 2021


A global gaming company based in the Asia-Pacific region wanted to expand in Brazil and give their users both lower latency and more reliable connections to their game servers. Zenlayer’s complete solution provided them with 250 bare metal servers, local IP transit with Brazilian carriers, and dedicated connections among their global PoPs – all for 25% lower costs than the Client had previously been paying for comparable services. The 15% reduction in latency during peak hours translated directly into higher customer satisfaction and greater participation on their platform due to positive reviews and word of mouth.

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