How Should I Clean My Wireless Bodypack Transmitters/Receivers + Lavalier/Headworn Microphones?

How Should I Clean My Wireless Bodypack Transmitters/Receivers + Lavalier/Headworn Microphones?


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How Should I Clean My Wireless Bodypack Transmitters/Receivers + Lavalier/Headworn Microphones?

Guide from Shure

Fri 22, 01 2021

Please note this content applies specifically to Shure products. If you would like cleaning information for other manufacturers, we recommend you visit their web site. Shure will be updating this information over the upcoming months. New information will be found on this web page and at

Shure has received many requests for recommendations on the best ways to clean and disinfect our products. Please note that Shure cannot provide advice regarding what disinfectant methods are effective against the Covid-19 virus; any such question should be directed to appropriate disease control experts.  The information on this site relates solely to general information for cleaning methods for microphones.  Please note that the observations below do not imply any guarantee against damage to the product, but are based on the best information we have at this time.

When cleaning bodypack transmitters and receivers, and lavalier microphones, there are two main considerations to keep in mind. Typically, most lavaliers risk potential damage from excess liquid ingress but can tolerate a variety of chemicals. Conversely, bodypacks are fairly resistant to liquid ingress but can react poorly with certain chemicals. For this reason, you will see a shorter list of chemicals recommended for cleaning bodypacks than for lavaliers.


Cleaning Tips: Things to Avoid

Cleaning Bodypacks

1) Remove the lavalier mic, headset, or earphones and clean separately. Antennas should be left in place.

2) Be sure to power down the transmitter and remove the battery before cleaning.

3) Re-close the battery door. This will help minimize ingress of cleaning agents into the bodypack.

4) We have tested the following cleaning agents:

  • Mild soapy water (such as liquid dish soap), which is then removed with a clean, damp cloth.
  • Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes
  • Isopropyl Alcohol

5) Do not use abrasive cleaning tools as they can scratch the product. Instead, use a clean cloth or soft-bristled toothbrush. Use a minimal amount of cleaner – do not saturate the product.

6) Once the cleaning of the external surface is complete, pat dry with a soft cloth.

7) Open the battery door to inspect the battery area for any damp spots, and pat dry. Set aside, with the battery door open, and allow to dry fully.

8) We do not recommend cleaning the inside of the battery compartment. To help ensure a clean external surface, be sure to follow the guidance of appropriate health authorities regarding handwashing and/or personal protective equipment such as sterile gloves.

Cleaning Lavaliers & Headsets

1) Leave any grilles or caps on the lavalier microphone. Remove any external windscreens that may be present.

2) We have tested the following cleaning agents:

  • Mild soapy water (such as liquid dish soap), which is then removed with a clean, damp cloth
  • Clorox® Disinfecting Wipes
  • Isopropyl Alcohol
  • Hydrogen Peroxide
  • Lysol® Disinfectant Spray

3) Use a minimal amount of cleaner – do not saturate the product. Apply cleaners with a clean cloth. When cleaning, avoid getting any moisture on the microphone element itself. Do not apply cleaning agents to the microphone capsule directly. For this reason, we highly recommend using a windscreen on the microphone that can easily be cleaned or, better yet, replaced.

4) For standard lavaliers: Hold the microphone upward toward the ceiling with the cable hanging down so that any excess liquid will flow away from the microphone element. Start just below the microphone element and move down the length of the cable as you apply the cleaning agent.

5) For headset microphones: To control the flow of liquid cleaners, clean headsets in sections. First, wipe on the cleaner in the area between the microphone element and the headband. Wipe this section dry. Next move to the headband section, apply the cleaner and dry in the same manner. Finally, wipe the length of the cable.

6) Rinse the removable external windscreen with warm water or hydrogen peroxide only. Since they tend to act like a sponge, avoid soap or liquid detergents as they will be impossible to rinse fully. Isopropyl alcohol and Lysol disinfectant spray will cause color to leech from the windscreen. Clean replacements are the best solution!

7) Remove excess water from the windscreen.

8) Allow both the windscreen and lavalier to dry separately and completely before using.

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