IABM Member Profile: farmerswife

IABM Member Profile: farmerswife

IABM Journal

IABM Member Profile: farmerswife

Wed 20, 04 2022

Our story begins in 1999, when Mads Linden (co-founder of Chimney Pot, Sweden) could not find a product that solved their problems with managing resources, projects and people in a unified way. Mads picked up a book and the decision was made to start developing what today has become farmerswife – the scheduling system of your dreams!


But why are we called farmerswife?


Back in the day our company was located in a typical small town, perched on a hilltop, right at the heart of the well-known and beautiful island of Mallorca, in Spain. Inspired by this, and in commemoration of the amazing work carried out by the farmers from surrounding areas, we decided to name our software “farmerswife”. But, why wife? Well, traditionally in a farm, even though every member of the family cooperated, the farmer usually took care of the animals, plants, and harvests, while the farmers’ wife took charge of the finances, organization of resources and selling the products.


More than twenty years later, headquartered in Palma, Spain, and Los Angeles, USA, farmerswife has become the leading provider of resource scheduling, project management & team collaboration software for the demanding needs of today’s media industry.

With clients in production, post-production, broadcasting, equipment rental, agencies, and education we offer a scalable solution that helps you manage your projects and teams. The software is used worldwide by companies from small to large such as Apple, Disney, Warner Brothers, BBC, ITN, SBS, Spiegel TV, Hogarth, and Nordisk Film.


Our collaborative platform enables you to organize and track project resources, plan, and control the project lifecycle, manage day-to-day tasks, create customized budgets and analyze financial performance in a practical way that drives better decisions.


farmerswife is always evolving. Learning from the past 22 years we have grown deep roots of experience and constantly adapted to the media industry’s needs. From these needs Cirkus was created, designed to address the specific project needs of media organisations. Cirkus is the fresh way to help you and your team get work done. Available as both an integration for farmerswife, or as a standalone product, Cirkus has been built to reflect and adapt to the way teams work and collaborate in the real world. It allows users to schedule, assign and manage projects and tasks; track status and report time; and collaborate efficiently with anyone, anywhere by coordinating resources and sharing files in one central hub.


It offers all the project and task management features that you’d expect like due dates, reminders, assignees, comments, recurring tasks and file attachments, as well as advanced features such as project templates, custom fields, and task triggers that support complex, repetitive workflows. Teams and collaborators use Cirkus to make collaboration simple and complete. Linking back to farmerswife gives the full picture to control costs and invoice for the work completed.

Our highly experienced multilingual and responsive team provides the bedrock on which our products can take root and flourish. The farmerswife team has a wealth of experience supporting and implementing postproduction workflows.


farmerswife is the proven engine for complex projects and financial management demands. While Cirkus is an elegant and simple day to day task collaboration tool for teams.


Together, farmerswife and Cirkus solve your company’s needs, end to end!


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