In this IABM TV interview, John Miller (SVP Sales & Marketing, BeBop Technology) discusses how Bebop are unique in the market, and who their ideal customers are.
Q1) Can you tell me about BeBop Technology, what you do, and about the company’s heritage?
Q2) What is BeBop, and how is it unique in the marketplace?
Q3) Can you provide me with some customer use cases as examples, both before and after the pandemic?
Q4) What are you seeing now, in terms of customer volume and also how have companies been using BeBop in a work from home world?
Q5) What kinds of companies are BeBop’s ideal customers?
Q6) How does BeBop develop new product features? You initially created something that didn’t really exist before, but now it’s in the market – what have you learned?
Q7) What is the BeBop pricing model, and how to customers get it?