In Conversation with DejaSoft

In Conversation with DejaSoft


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In Conversation with DejaSoft

Fri 17, 04 2020

In this IABM TV interview, Clas Hakeröd (CEO, DejaSoft) & Nikolai Waldman (CTO, DejaSoft) discuss DejaEdit, DejaSoft’s collaborative editing solution.

Q1. Tell us a bit about your company DejaSoft.
Q2. Tell us about your product DejaEdit, what it does and how does it help editors?
Q3. What prompted you to try and solve remote editing workflow challenges, you have been ahead of the game with this?
Q4. Can you explain how DejaEdit differs from a cloud storage solution?
Q5. What’s currently in development for DejaEdit?
Q6. How do you see the need for remote collaboration evolving in the future?

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