In Conversation with Dock10

In Conversation with Dock10


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In Conversation with Dock10

Fri 29, 05 2020

In this panel discussion, we look at how the Coronavirus crisis has impacted Dock10’s business and its customers, including the challenges they have faced with moving some of their staff to remote working. featuring:

  • Mark Senior, CEO
  • Paul Clennell, CTO
  • Andy Waters, Head of Studios
  • Ian Dodd, Head of Post Production

Topics we cover include the safety measures required in the Dock10 facility (and in the studios), the tools they are using to enable remote collaboration within the organization.

We also look at how Dock10 are managing the conflict between digital collaboration tools (e.g. Slack) – as they can be source of distraction – and the need for concentration in creative workflows along with the issues around serendipitous innovation (i.e. people in the same room having amazing ideas).

We look at the technical side of dealing with the crisis from rethinking workflows in production and post, the transition to cloud-based operations and how Dock10’s tech partners have supported them through this (including some examples of support).

Finally, we ask how production and post will evolve in the next few years, will new content formats emerge and how different will genres such as sports, news and scripted look after the crisis.

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