In Conversation with Matrox Video

In Conversation with Matrox Video

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MediaTech Intelligence

In Conversation with Matrox Video

Mon 06, 03 2023

In this IABM TV webinar, Stuart Mitchell meets Dr. Richard Cartwright, Technical Leader, Software at Matrox Video.

Dr. Richard Cartwright discusses the benefits of innovation in IT for broadcast. He explains that how “To Virtualize” enables the – “ilities” of IT ie: agility, scalability, reliability, card-swipe-ability, composability, sustainability. He explores what state-of-the-art technologies are available and by applying them what is possible for broadcast workflows.

In this webinar containerisation and automation is described through a newsroom case study. The challenges of writing media processing in software is also explored, identifying blocking and copying enemies. We learn what lessons can we learn from other industries and how our collective goal should be designing and developing broadcast systems that work equally well on premises and in the cloud.

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