In Conversation with Metabroadcast

In Conversation with Metabroadcast

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In Conversation with Metabroadcast

Mon 14, 11 2022

In this IABM TV interview, we meet Jamie Mackinlay,  the new CEO at MetaBroadcast, who tells us a little more about his recent appointment and  what opportunities he sees ahead, as he directs MetaBroadcast through the current changes within the media market. He explains what technologies they historically have provided and where they are currently focusing their efforts; this includes their cloud based active MetaData platform ‘Atlas’ and how they distribute this MetaData effectively to broadcasters.

Importantly, Jamie explains what benefits MetaData can offer their customers, such as including improving Content Discovery and Monetization. He also shares his insight into what might be in the pipeline at MetaBroadcast and what the future trends might look like.

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