Introducing SNS Cloud VPN: Convenient, Secure Remote Access to Your EVO Server

Introducing SNS Cloud VPN: Convenient, Secure Remote Access to Your EVO Server


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Introducing SNS Cloud VPN: Convenient, Secure Remote Access to Your EVO Server

Blog from Studio Network Solutions

Thu 26, 11 2020

SNS VPN is here, and there, and everywhere.

Remote editing workflows are a necessity for today’s production and post-production environments. The need for rapidly deployable remote access solutions has never been greater. To help creative teams stay connected to their media from everywhere, we are excited to introduce our new cloud-hosted VPN service for EVO users: SNS VPN.

Your team can now access their media storage server from anywhere in the world, over a safe and secure connection with SNS VPN, the virtual private network exclusively for EVO.

Best of all: Your SNS VPN remote access service can be configured and ready to go in under an hour!

What is SNS VPN?

It’s the best way to access your media from outside the studio (or office, or school, or church, or wherever your EVO is physically located).

SNS VPN is a cloud-hosted virtual private network (VPN) purpose-built for EVO shared storage servers. It acts as a tunnel through the internet, providing a secure, encrypted connection to the private network where your EVO lives, from your public internet connection at home, or anywhere.

Whether you’re connected to a public Wi-Fi hotspot in the airport, doing some remote work on the weekend, or editing from home full-time, simply authenticate to your SNS VPN service from any internet connection and you can instantly and securely access your EVO server from anywhere in the world.

With the safe and secure VPN service by SNS, your team has continuous and on-demand remote access to your in-studio EVO server from any remote location, so they can access the important projects, media, and advanced workflows they normally use every day. It’s a simple and convenient remote editing solution for production teams working from home, editors on-the-go, and hybrid teams working across multiple locations.

Users can access EVO’s entire suite of workflow tools when connected to the media server remotely. Remote access to ShareBrowser media asset manager lets your team search, tag, comment, and preview EVO’s media files from anywhere. You can also automate backups and file transfers remotely with Slingshot, EVO’s automations engine and API. And most importantly, editors can retrieve their auto-generated proxy files for a simple remote editing workflow with Nomad, EVO’s remote editing utility. All of these software tools are included free with EVO and accessible remotely when connected via SNS VPN.

How Does it Work?

SNS VPN is a cloud-hosted solution, meaning it requires no additional hardware for you to deploy. To get started with your subscription, our support team will install a small plug-in app onto your EVO through a scheduled remote session. They’ll walk you through the basics, and by the end of the session, your EVO shared storage server will be fully configured for your team’s new and improved remote editing workflow. The whole process normally takes less than an hour!

From there, your SNS VPN cloud service can be managed by your administrator through a user-friendly admin dashboard. The dashboard includes convenient tools to manage which users can access the server remotely, usage statistics, and more. Our new SNS VPN service is also incredibly useful for production teams that hire freelance editors, as administrators can add and remove users’ remote privileges in real time or on an automated schedule, with ease.

For example, a freelance editor can use SNS VPN to edit a project for their employer one day, then be removed from the approved user pool the next when they no longer need access. There is no per-seat licensing, so you can share your SNS VPN subscription with as many users as necessary!

The most important thing about SNS VPN is that it’s remarkably easy to deploy and use, giving your team hassle-free remote access to the EVO workflow tools they rely on every day.

How Can I Get it?

We’re glad you asked! New and existing EVO customers can purchase SNS VPN through an authorized reseller or from SNS directly. Contact us for more information.

While other remote connection options can be tedious and difficult to set up, SNS VPN can be deployed quickly without major changes to your IT infrastructure and firewall—in most cases you won’t have any networking changes to make at all on your end. In fact, SNS VPN has many features designed to make your team’s transition to remote editing as easy as possible. With quick and easy setup, a safe and secure connection, and comprehensive administrative tools, SNS VPN is an ideal remote editing solution for all EVO users.

To improve your team’s work-from-anywhere capabilities, get SNS VPN today!

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