Mediaproxy Whitepaper: The Evolution of Compliance Logging

Mediaproxy Whitepaper: The Evolution of Compliance Logging

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Mediaproxy Whitepaper: The Evolution of Compliance Logging

Thu 14, 05 2020

In just over a decade, broadcast logging has evolved from a narrow compliance role to a much broader range of applications encompassing monitoring, analysis and revenue generating functions for broadcasters, MVPD and OTT providers. The humble logging system has become a valuable tool not only used by compliance officers, but also provides broadcast engineers with a means to review and track down on-air incidents.

Software-based logging facilitates not only the quick turnaround of advertising verification, caption and loudness compliance, but also provides rapid media extracts and instant publishing to online and social media platforms. High level functions such as full transmission monitoring, analysis and multi-channel viewing are now included as features...

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