Cedar Audio Ltd - IABM Member Company Details

Cedar Audio Ltd - IABM Member Company Details

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CEDAR Audio is dedicated solely to audio restoration and speech enhancement for broadcast, film and TV post, mastering, libraries and archives, and audio forensic investigation. It is committed to furthering the science and technology of audio restoration and speech enhancement in all its forms, and not only manufactures many of the leading products in these fields but actively pursues research into new techniques in each of them. The company's products are used worldwide to suppress noise in broadcast situations ranging from oneon- one interviews to news conferences to the world's largest sporting events including the Olympics, Wimbledon, and the FIFA World Cup. They are also used by sound recordists and broadcasters to clean up audio as it's recorded, whether for immediate use, or to provide cleaner production audio when there are time and budget constraints, or as a confidence check that the recordings will clean up successfully in post to avoid expensive and time-consuming ADR. CEDAR works with the worlds leading film companies and has received an Academy Award in recognition of its services in this regard. Established in 1988, CEDAR is based in Cambridge, UK, and retains strong links with Cambridge University, one of the world's leading centres for digital signal processing research. The company numbers two Cambridge University professors and a Director of Studies among its directors, further strengthening its ability to remain at the forefront of its field. CEDAR places a premium on the highest standards of customer support, and has earned numerous accolades in this area.


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Offices located in

Country Address
UK -
USA 43 Deerfield Road Portland
UK 20 Home End Fulbourn Cambridge


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