Macnica Americas Inc - IABM Member Company Details

Macnica Americas Inc - IABM Member Company Details

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Macnica develops solutions to support the shift from legacy point to point video interfaces to IP based infrastructures. Leveraging our high-speed networking expertise, we develop and aid in the definition of the emerging standards that are shaping the Video over IP migration. Macnica offers hardware solutions for SMPTE ST2110, ST2022-1/2/5/6/7, ST2059-1/2, AMWA NMOS, and IPMX AV over IP standard. Macnica understands the requirements and the challenges of designing successful video over IP products. We educate our customers on the standards and assist in architecting solutions that will meet the requirements for Broadcast and ProAV markets.


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Offices located in

Country Address
Japan Macnica Bldg. No.1 1-6-3 Shin-Yokohama Kouhoku-ku Yokohama
USA 380 Stevens Avenue Suite 206 380 Stevens Ave., Suite 206 Solana Beach


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