Mo-Sys bMR: a flexible route to LED content studios

Mo-Sys bMR: a flexible route to LED content studios

IABM Journal

IABM Article

Mo-Sys bMR: a flexible route to LED content studios

Journal Article by Mo-Sys

Tue 20, 12 2022

Mo-Sys partnered with on-air graphics specialist Erizos Studios to develop bMR (broadcast mixed reality). This solution uniquely combines Erizos’ expertise in broadcast graphics and MOS based news/sports workflows, with Mo-Sys’ innovation in LED virtual studios and precision camera tracking. 

Equipped with virtual studio software licenses for green screen, Mo-Sys bMR makes it straightforward for broadcasters to migrate from their current green screen virtual studio and incumbent on-air graphics solutions to a futureproof alternative. With bMR, the process can take place in two stages where either the virtual studio or the on-air graphics are upgraded first.  In new studio build scenarios, both on-air graphics system and a LED virtual studio are installed at the same time.

Mo-Sys bMR’s on-air graphics system offers three ways of displaying templated data-fed graphics; standard 2D keyed graphics, keyed 3D graphics, or 3D ‘in-scene’ Unreal element graphics. The system conforms to MOS protocol and can be controlled by commonly available newsroom computer systems (NRCS) such as Octopus, ENPS, or other popular NRCS solutions. Based on web browser technology, bMR uses a fully redundant server/client architecture and is deployed as an on-premise rather than a cloud-based solution. 

bMR’s LED content server can drive any size/shape/pixel pitch LED virtual studio – so long as it is equipped with sufficient render nodes – with the base system able to drive an LED studio with up to 8million pixels. The system provides multi-camera switching capability up to UHD4K resolution, enabling multiple cameras to be used with an LED volume, where switching between cameras is orchestrated with the LED wall updating correctly. Set extensions with simultaneous augmented reality (AR) are also possible, with the lowest delay on the market between the Unreal graphics perspective displayed on the LED wall, and the camera’s actual position.

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