Mobile App Protection in Banking

Mobile App Protection in Banking

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Mobile App Protection in Banking

eBook from Verimatrix

Thu 29, 07 2021

Don’t let mobile security fall through the cracks

Read the Latest Research on How to Best Protect your App

With retail banks citing mobile banking as their top priority IT project based on Omdia’s ICT Enterprise Insights 2020/21 survey, financial apps are becoming the new normal. While mobile banking brings numerous opportunities, it also comes with application security challenges. The silos that exist between developers and core technology groups can lead to an incohesive process with mobile app shielding often falling through the cracks.

We partnered with research firm Omdia to outline the key factors to improve mobile app protection for financial services. Download a copy to learn more about:

  • How to best comply with privacy and financial services regulations
  • Key defensive techniques for protecting mobile app codes
  • Advantages of SaaS security options

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