More Sustainable Sports Competitions through Remote Production with JPEG XS

More Sustainable Sports Competitions through Remote Production with JPEG XS


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More Sustainable Sports Competitions through Remote Production with JPEG XS

Article from intoPIX

Fri 25, 06 2021

intoPIX new low-latency solutions reduce the need for high-bandwidth connections & eliminate the need for on-site hardware and people

Like many other areas, sport is rightly becoming increasingly environmentally conscious. There are many components that negatively affect carbon emissions during a competition. The transport of the broadcasting equipment and team are among them. On this point, sports production as a whole can make significant progress by shifting to remote production.

Initially focused on the financial benefits of remote production, the media technology sector could also quickly recognize the environmental benefits of this mode of production.

Using JPEG XS to enable remote production

Using the new JPEG XS lightweight low-latency codec, reduces the need for high-bandwidth connections and eliminates the need for on-site hardware, as content can be worked on into the cloud without any latency. All this while ensuring near-zero latency and pristine image quality.

Remote production does not eliminate all transport costs but it does provide a significant reduction if you want to make a difference to the environmental impact.

Let’s be honest, from an environmental point of view, does it really make sense for a broadcaster to send its entire team of presenters to the four corners of the earth to cover a competition when there are facilities and studios that can do it from home?

We still have a long way to go !

The broadcasting sector has the opportunity to lead the way in sustainability. There are smart ways to use technology, measure and manage our footprint and ensure that we build next-generation technical models in a sustainable way.

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