Clear-Com’s Intercom Solutions Transform RAI’s Broadcasting Capabilities

Clear-Com’s Intercom Solutions Transform RAI’s Broadcasting Capabilities

Clear-Com’s Intercom Solutions Transform RAI’s Broadcasting Capabilities

Thu 25, 07 2024

Clear-Com has partnered with Video Progetti to deliver an advanced intercom solution for Radiotelevisione Italiana (RAI), Italy’s state broadcaster. This innovative deployment is set to enhance RAI’s production capabilities across its extensive network of production centres and regional stations, making it one of the most sophisticated intercom setups in Europe.

RAI, the Italian state broadcaster, operates four major production centres in Milan, Naples, Rome, and Turin, along with 23 regional stations. As the fifth-largest media company in Europe, RAI manages 14 TV channels and 23 regional feeds, providing a comprehensive broadcasting service to the nation.

RAI required an intercom solution that could handle the complexity of its productions, from major live events to small studios. The solution needed to provide a centralized management mechanism, integrating each sub-system into a single multi-studio environment. Additionally, the intercom terminals had to offer robust and reliable wireless operation.

Video Progetti proposed and deployed a full Clear-Com system based on the Eclipse HX Digital Matrix and FreeSpeak II wireless system. Each of the five galleries (control rooms) has its own Eclipse matrix, interconnected in a peer-to-peer fashion via IP using RAI’s standard IT network. This forms a seamless integrated system with a sixth matrix, referred to as “POOL,” managing all shared resources like wireless beltpacks and studio panels independently from each gallery. These functionalities are embedded into the Eclipse matrix, eliminating the need for additional middleware or orchestration. The wireless FreeSpeak system can be shared across all galleries and studios as required.

“Clear-Com’s solutions have proven to be transformative for the team’s production capabilities,” said Francesco Struzzi, Sales Director Video Progetti. “The integration and flexibility of the Eclipse HX Digital Matrix and FreeSpeak II wireless system have significantly enhanced our ability to manage complex productions seamlessly across multiple locations.”

The use of the 1.9GHz frequency allows for a robust and interference-free radio system. Clear-Com’s optimized DECT technology ensures interference-free wireless communication between transceivers and belt-packs. The ease of use of the solution is further enhanced through the HCI API, which allows for control from third-party automation systems, making system reconfiguration quick and easy. The Clear-Com solution includes configuration software (EHX) with a client-server topology, allowing multi-user access with varying levels of permissions. EHX also provides telemetry data on RF signal statuses, battery levels, and alerts to ensure maximum reliability. Dynam-ECTM software offers an additional operational management layer with a customizable graphical interface and drag-and-drop functionality.

The deployment of Clear-Com’s products supports mid-large scale studio facilities, allowing for maximum scalability, flexibility, and coexistence of the same solution across different studios and galleries. For remote production of sports events and major OB productions, the compatibility of standardised radio frequencies abroad and the ability to interconnect with other systems showcase Clear-Com’s long-standing tradition of openness and versatility.


About Clear-Com®

Clear-Com, an HME company, has been a trusted global provider of professional real-time communications solutions and services since 1968. We innovate market-proven technologies that link people together through wired and wireless systems.

Clear-Com was first to market portable wired intercom systems for live performances. Since then, our history of technological advancements and innovations has delivered significant improvements to the way people collaborate in professional settings where real-time communication matters. For the markets we serve — broadcast, live performance, live events, sports, military, aerospace and government — our communication products have consistently met the demands for high quality audio, reliability, scalability and low latency, while addressing communication requirements of varying size and complexity. Our reputation in the industry is not only based on our product achievements, but also on our consistent level of customer engagement and dedication to delivering the right solutions for specialised applications, with the expertise to make it work. Across different markets around the globe, Clear-Com’s innovations and solutions have received numerous awards and recognitions for ingenuity and impact on customers.

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