Digital Alert Systems Preview 2025 NAB Show Booth W3837
At the 2025 NAB Show, Digital Alert Systems will offer a presentation on virtualized emergency alerting at the Broadcast Engineering and IT Conference. On the show floor, the company will showcase its latest Version 5.4 software, featuring enhanced security and compliance updates for DASDEC™ and One-Net™ emergency messaging systems. NAB attendees will get a glimpse into how Digital Alert Systems customers are using those systems to fortify their Emergency Alert System (EAS) operations. The company will also introduce new DASDEC-III models and demonstrate its forthcoming LEAP™ EAS-to-DASDEC conversion tool for converting configuration files.
Broadcast Engineering and IT Conference
At the NAB Broadcast Engineering and IT Conference, Bill Robertson, vice president of business development for Digital Alert Systems, will present the session “Broadcasting Without Boundaries: Seamlessly Integrating EAS into Virtualized Air-Chains.” The session will take place in conference rooms W220-W221 on April 6 at 2:10 p.m.
New for NAB!
Version 5.4 Emergency Messaging Software
Digital Alert Systems continues improving its flexible emergency messaging systems with Version 5.4 software for all 64-bit-compatible DASDEC™ and One-Net™ systems. This latest release includes the new Missing and Endangered Persons (MEP) event code required by the FCC before the September deadline.
The company continues to promote the award-winning EAS-at-the-EdgeSM concept. This unique offering combines support for AES67 audio and the Livewire™ routing protocol to inject Emergency Alert System (EAS) messages as AoIP with message prioritization controls when using compatible network devices.
Furthering the company’s security commitment, V5.4 now supports OpenID Connect for the single-sign-on authentication process that many large corporations use. It includes two methods of authentication: username/password or authorization flow. This, besides TACACS+, provides secure and easy-to-manage login control for multiple user accounts in addition to several other security improvements and system hardening.
This software update is free to all customers who are actively enrolled in the Digital Alert Systems Software Assurance Plan, have purchased a new DASDEC unit, or have taken advantage of the company’s UP•TRADE program since April 2022.
LEAP™ — Legacy EAS Adapter Process
In Booth W3837, Digital Alert Systems will demonstrate its Legacy EAS Adapter Process, or LEAP™, an upcoming tool for converting the configuration files of other Emergency Alert System devices into the DASDEC format. Using LEAP, broadcasters will be able to quickly and easily incorporate many configuration attributes, such as FIPS codes and event filters, into the DASDEC format, making the conversion from another manufacturer to the advanced Digital Alert Systems platform nearly seamless. The LEAP tool will be available in a future software release.
DASDEC-III DAS3-ELR and DAS3-EXR NAB visitors to the Digital Alert Systems booth will be the first to see two new DASDEC-III models in their first public showing. The DAS3-ELR and DAS3-EXR are expansion bundles of the popular DAS3-EL and DAS3-EX, which include dual- and triple-integrated triband radios. These new models represent a price reduction over separately priced options, making the new bundles less expensive than ever before.
Company Quote:
“Once again, we’re excited to attend NAB this year, the company’s 73rd year of operation. That longevity is a testament to our continued support of our customers’ ever-changing requirements. Our flexible emergency messaging platforms offer a customizable solution for everyone, from the smallest low-power station to the biggest full-power broadcasting giant. We’re happy to provide a critical link that bridges public alerts and information for listeners and viewers around the world.”
— Bill Robertson, Vice President of Business Development for Digital Alert Systems
Company Overview
Digital Alert Systems is the leading innovator of next-generation Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) and Emergency Alert Systems (EAS) for radio and television broadcasters. From its headquarters in Lyndonville, New York, Digital Alert Systems provides R&D, manufacturing, sales, and customer service for all Digital Alert Systems brands and maintains its hard-earned reputation for quality, reliability, and service to valued customers around the world.
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