ELEMENTS boosts solutions capabilities in America

ELEMENTS boosts solutions capabilities in America

ELEMENTS boosts solutions capabilities in America

Tue 03, 01 2023

High performance media storage specialist ELEMENTS has underlined its commitment to global systems delivery with the appointment of Nathan Rausch as head of workflow engineering for the Americas.

As well as providing architecture and engineering skills, he will also support the sales process through in-person demonstrations of the ELEMENTS centralised media platform.Rausch’s career started in sound design in live theatre, television and film where he received awards for his work. He continued to develop his skills in post technology, both in engineering design and in production management.

Continuing education brought him a comprehensive set of Apple certifications among other achievements. The result is extensive and rounded experience in media production workflows.

“I am very excited to join ELEMENTS, bringing my wide experience and perspectives to help creatives develop workflows that unleash their creativity, giving them more time to do what they love most,” Rausch said. “To be really useful, media technology must be extremely flexible, powerful and agile, but also virtually transparent to the creative user.“That is what attracted me to ELEMENTS,” he continued.

“We talk here about ‘human-centred storage’, but that is more than just a marketing catchphrase: I truly believe in it as a philosophy. I love technology, but it is the creative process that drives the workflow, and I look forward to helping the post industry to create and enhance collaborative media workflows.”André Kamps, CEO of ELEMENTS, said “In a fiercely competitive market like post production, it is really important to have the most flexible functionality on top of fast, secure storage. And it is even more important to ensure our clients and potential purchasers understand how they can use our tools to create the workflows that will best deliver for them.“Nathan is going to be a great asset for our company,” he added. “He understands the market and how to tackle practical processes and workflows, and can put the best solutions into practice.

As we see demand continuing to grow in the Americas, it is great to have him on our team.”Nathan Rausch joins ELEMENTS in January 2023 and will be based in New York City. More information on Rausch and the ELEMENTS solutions can be found at elements.tv.

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