Etere Launches Web Application for the Fast Insertion of Metadata

Etere Launches Web Application for the Fast Insertion of Metadata

Etere Launches Web Application for the Fast Insertion of Metadata

Thu 29, 06 2023

Etere launched a new HTML 5 web application to preview, access, edit, arrange, and insert rich metadata.

With the new web application, Etere users can add rich metadata to media assets from any web browser. It opens a new level of content management to rediscover new revenue opportunities and boost productivity. The new feature is a part of Etere Media Asset Management (MAM). Etere MAM is an end-to-end software that orchestrates workflows and fully optimizes the value of your assets through centralized management of media content and associated metadata.

Throughout the multimedia production and distribution chain, rich metadata enriches the content and allows broadcasters to increase the value of their media assets. With extensive media libraries of media assets containing descriptive and personalized data, assets can be easily retrieved, repurposed, and interconnected based on a set of relevant relationships with one another.

Assets can contain descriptive and technical data, including asset titles, artists, asset types, duration, file formats, etc. The possibilities are limitless with Etere; you can even personalize your metadata to fit your workflow. Furthermore, you can preview your media assets from the same interface for a seamless operation. The user-friendly interface can be accessed from any web browser, enhancing collaboration and remote working from any location.

Etere empowers media professionals with the most versatile software tools for efficient content management and easy management of your media library.

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