Etere MAM, the Perfect Choice for your File Transfers

Etere MAM, the Perfect Choice for your File Transfers

MediaTech Intelligence

Etere MAM, the Perfect Choice for your File Transfers

Thu 23, 11 2023

Etere MAM has embedded file transfer faster than FTP transfer modes, so you can avoid any third-party solution and operate more efficiently. Etere can be used on-premise or on the cloud, giving you maximum flexibility to choose your set-up.

With the fast-evolving growth of the media and entertainment industry, moving large files across multiple media channels is a complex challenge that traditional file-moving technologies such as FTPs and hard drives can no longer fulfil.

Key Factors Pushing for a Change in How We Manage File Transfers:

Changing Business Models with More Globalized Content Distribution

With the popularity of OTT/SVOD/VOD and streaming, content distribution is increasingly more globalized. Now, the same content is distributed globally across multiple markets, with advertisements automatically selected to target the local markets.

Better Quality Content with Increasing File Sizes

With the industry’s transition from tape to file-based media workflows, the data in media files has grown substantially. In addition, with higher image resolutions, including 8K and 4k, file formats are increasing at a similar pace. As a result, it is essential to have the correct technology to manage it.

Let’s Evaluate the Different File Transfer Options and Its Limitations:

FTP and its Limitations

File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a free internet protocol traditionally used to transfer files, but it is unsuitable for today’s media files. Although FTP can meet the needs of businesses with less complex file transfer needs, it is inappropriate for complex media workflows and large content transfers.

For a start, FTP does not allow the automatic continuation of interrupted transfers. Large files require a much longer transfer time with FTP, and in the face of internet disruptions or other technical problems, the user has to restart the file transfer process from the beginning manually. In addition, the FTP is very slow when moving larger files. Furthermore, the FTP has security risks and has been known for security breaches in recent years.

Hard Drives and its Limitations

Hard Drives traditionally serve as a backup to the FTP. Although hard drives can hold large amounts of data, it is not ideal for managing complex media and entertainment workflows.

  • The high costs of a hard drive if its usage is not optimized
  • Data that is not easily tracked on hard drives makes it less than ideal for sensitive data
  • Unlike digital solutions, the delivery of hard drives is highly reliant on the efficiency of shipping or courier companies

Online File Transfer Platforms and its Limitations

The popularity of online file transfer platforms such as WeTransfer and Google Drive serves a group that requires smaller file transfers on-demand and without time constraints. However, these platforms are not ideal for moving large files regularly.

We Have an Ideal Solution for you:

Etere Media Asset Management (MAM) Manages Complex and Large File Transfers More Efficiently

Etere gives you the speed advantage even for large file transfers across geographically distributed locations. Speed is often a non-dispensable factor for file transfers in the media and entertainment industry. The demand for new content continues to fuel the need for faster delivery across multiple markets.

Etere MAM automatically runs customized workflows to prepare content for distribution and delivery. For example, Etere MAM automatically detects new media assets and runs them through an integrated quality check process to ensure an error-free operation.

Integrated VOD Management

With Etere MAM’s integrated VOD management, operators can have a fully automated end-to-end workflow that includes

  • Rich Metadata creation
  • Quality check, transcoding and data-moving processes
  • Delivery of video, images, and trailers to streaming platforms
  • MD5 checksum capabilities to preserve data integrity after file movements
  • Asset versioning with automatic hierarchical assets structure that makes retrieving, sharing and distributing content easy

Flexibility to Pick Cloud or On-Premise

Etere MAM is available for both cloud and on-premise. We give you the flexibility to adopt the best approach for your business.

Flexibility to Pick a Permanent License or SaaS

Etere offers both permanent licenses and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS); we allow you to choose the best option for your business.

Customizable Workflows, Better Automation

Etere MAM facilitates the creation of customizable workflows with the workflow designer that allows users to map each step of the media delivery and distribution process according to pre-defined rules. With Etere MAM, your workflow can fit perfectly in your system. On top of that, automated workflows run the show seamlessly, reducing manual tasks and improving accuracy across your content management and delivery processes.

Happy Operators and Better Results

Etere is designed to be easy to deploy and use—no more complexity and costly maintenance. The user-friendly interface gets tasks done with fewer steps. Etere is committed to providing regular software updates and upgrades to optimize your system for the best performance. Moreover, our 24/7 customer support experts are ready anytime during the week to support your team in your journey with us.

Web and PC Interfaces – Collaborate More Efficiently

Etere MAM features web and PC interfaces, enabling distributed teams to access real-time updates and work remotely on a project, even from different locations.

User Rights Customization

Etere MAM simplifies complex user authentication structures with an Active Directory integration. Even for companies with complex hierarchical structures, Etere allows you to configure user access easily. Each user can have an account with different levels of rights according to stations and roles. Users can also be in more than one group based on shared roles.

Fully Scalable Software

Etere is fully scalable to support your dynamic business needs in the present and future.

NLE Integration

Etere leverages web service technology for seamless integration with external broadcasting and post-production systems, including Adobe Premiere Pro.

MD5 Checksum

With Etere MAM’s integrated MD5 Checksum, the integrity of files remains unchanged even after movements and retrievals.

Centralized Storage Management and Monitoring

Etere features an integrative database that ensures all information is saved and shared in real-time across systems. It provides centralized monitoring and management of all system processes. Additionally, Etere also supports cloud storage solutions and content delivery networks.

Secured File Deliveries with Encryption

Etere secures your files with integrated encryption before delivery to media platforms, including VOD, preventing unauthorized access, piracy, hacking and cyber-attacks. The encryption masks data so only authorized users can decrypt and access the files. Different keys are used to allow different classes of services, including SD, HD and 4K.

Integrated Transcoder and Data Mover

Etere provides an encoding solution for file-based workflows that features all major format conversions required in production, post-production and distribution environments. Moreover, the embedded Etere Media Manager effectively manages media file transfers, copies and movements based on customizable rules.

Distributed Architecture for a Fault-Resilient Performance

Etere features a fault-resilient performance at every stage of the workflow. We place reliability at the core of our software, which is one of the reasons why we have been the most preferred solution provider for hundreds of broadcasters worldwide since 1987.

Business Analytics and Customized Reports

Etere provides customizable reports that provide business data and insights. The feature allows users to create customized reports or modify an existing report. The reports help businesses to enhance their business strategy, tap into content monetization opportunities and improve operational efficiency.

Contact us for more information about Etere software and how it can help you to work more efficiently and accomplish more for your business.

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