Etere Nunzio Drives Brainstorm Neuron Graphics

Etere Nunzio Drives Brainstorm Neuron Graphics

Etere Nunzio Drives Brainstorm Neuron Graphics

Thu 14, 03 2024

The seamless integration with Neuron, Brainstorm’s MOS-compatible, template-based system that integrates graphics creation and management into newsroom and broadcast traffic operation. Neuron greatly improves newsroom workflows by allowing the high-quality 3D graphics, that are rendered in real-time, to their workflow.

Etere unveils its latest compatibility feature: The seamless integration with Brainstorm Neuron Graphics. This MOS-based and template-based system revolutionizes graphics creation and management within newsrooms and broadcast traffic operations. Now, users can effortlessly integrate high-quality pre-defined 3D graphics into their workflow.The HTML5 plugin empowers Etere users to seamlessly send and receive graphics for the rundown through MOS objects. Users can preview the graphics from the same interface before adding them to the rundown. Moreover, real-time updates ensure they can easily navigate the rundown and access all linked graphics.Key Features

• Fully scalable and modular solution

• MOS-based

• Centralised interface

• Uses standard protocols

• Resolution independent, supporting SDI and HDSDI inputs and outputs with video and key

• Allows the preview, playout, editing and customization of graphics

Contact us for a personalized consultation and to discover how Etere Ecosystem can help you achieve better efficiencies in your media and broadcast workflows.For more information about Brainstorm, please visit 


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