Etere Showcases New MAM Capabilities at IBC 2024

Etere Showcases New MAM Capabilities at IBC 2024

Etere Showcases New MAM Capabilities at IBC 2024

Thu 12, 09 2024

Etere all-new integrated panel for Adobe Premiere Pro empowers video professionals to create and access content quickly. Its faster performance and seamless integration between the Etere Ecosystem and Premiere Pro make creating and accessing content easy.

In addition to new Premiere Pro integration capabilities, Etere Media Asset Management (MAM) also facilitates automatic metadata tagging, including Face Recognition, Speech-to-Text and Optical Character Recognition (OCR). Etere MAM Enhances Media Library Search with AI and Facial Recognition technology that allows automatic metadata indexing. For example, Etere MAM supports facial recognition, enabling users to analyse individual scenes inside the media library to produce a list of matches based on facial recognition. This feature allows users to search effectively inside an extensive media library and produce a list of matches in seconds, for example, filtering scenes that feature specific actor(s).

Furthermore, OCR recognises text within a digital image. It is commonly used to identify text in scanned documents and photos. With OCR technology integration, Etere users can convert a physical paper document or an image into an accessible electronic version with text.

Additionally, for its Speech-to-Text feature, Etere Subtitles Tool for Closed Captions supports Google Cloud Speech-to-Text, which includes support for up to 120 languages, with each language specified within a recognition request’s language code parameters. Etere is also able to process pre-recorded audio using Google’s machine-learning technology. Each language code parameter includes a BCP-47 identifier tag that identifies the language and region/country of the language. With the upgrade, operators can instantly convert audio to closed caption text to support a global audience base. Etere can also support voice-to-text commands, real-time streaming and the processing of voice commands/audio transcription from call centres.

The updated plugin allows users to search and preview media assets instantly without switching screens. Etere users can also directly link sequences in Premiere Pro to new and existing asset forms in Etere Media Asset Management. In addition, users can connect sequences in Adobe Premiere Pro directly to both new and existing asset forms in the Etere MAM. In a typical scenario, users may open sequences and projects from the Etere MAM database in Adobe Premiere Pro and save work-in-progress or finished assignments back to Etere MAM.

Etere Panel for Adobe Premiere Pro offers seamless integration with Etere modules to leverage the benefits of a unified system.

For more information, please get in touch with us for a personalised consultation.

To enhance your workflow even further, explore the many extensions that are available as part of the Adobe Video ecosystem today.


About Etere

Since its beginnings in 1987, Etere has been preparing users for the future. Etere is a worldwide provider of broadcast and media software solutions backed by its mark of excellence in system design, flexibility, and reliability. The revolutionary concept of Etere Ecosystem promotes real-time collaborations and enhances operational efficiency across the entire enterprise. Etere Ecosystem software solutions manage the end-to-end media workflow and feature an integrative Web and Windows architecture that is customizable to fit perfectly in any system. Etere delivers on its service excellence commitment with a 24/7 worldwide support and inclusive software updates. Its digital technologies and market-proven remote/on-site services such as consultancy, training, installation, and demonstrations are ready to run with your business no matter where you are. Etere enhances your adaptability for the future and empowers you with the most innovative software tools to drive your business to greater heights. To find a media management strategy that works for your business, visit

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