GB Labs answers distributed workflow challenges for media with their global unified file system

GB Labs answers distributed workflow challenges for media with their global unified file system

MediaTech Intelligence

GB Labs answers distributed workflow challenges for media with their global unified file system

Tue 21, 03 2023

GB Labs has announced the release of Unify Hub Generation 2, a global unified file system that allows users to optimise, adapt and secure their on-premise, cloud and remote workflows. “The development of Unify Hub Generation 2 has drastically changed the way in which media workflows operate, by enabling a global unified file system that allows users to collaborate seamlessly from any location.”

Dominic Harland, CEO and CTO at GB Labs Unify Hub has three key features to enhance workflows and is a way to seamlessly adapt to unusual ways of working in a more effective, secure, and low-cost manner, from the smallest of companies to larger multinational corporations. These features include: OnePath, which presents a singular file path regardless of a user’s location, meaning re-linking is no longer necessary.

Centralised Access Management, which offers the ability to manage users with greater efficiency and security, with AD/LDAP support as well as primary storage controls to secure authentication for every login.

HyperAcceleration, which allows users to seamlessly cache just the blocks of data required to play portions of clips used in the timeline. “Unify Hub Generation 2 is leading the way for the first innovation of post-pandemic hybrid workflows. We’re seeing more and more editors and digital artists back in the office, but only a few days per week on-premise, so the need for a seamless transition between on-prem and remote working is vital for efficiency.”  Matt Scott, Solutions and Pre-Sales Engineer at GB Labs.

The announcement follows that of their cloud storage option Nebula alongside Storj, which can work in conjunction with Unify Hub to present an elastic but true file system at a fraction of the cost of the current solutions on the market. GB Labs will hold a webinar/online launch upon the release of Unify Hub Generation 2 on 28th March, sign up is available here –

There will be a full in-person launch at the GB Labs stand at NAB this year with demonstrations of Unify Hub Generation 2 in full force.

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