IABM announces BaM Awards® winners at IBC2024

IABM announces BaM Awards® winners at IBC2024


IABM announces BaM Awards® winners at IBC2024

Sat 14, 09 2024

Outstanding innovation across the BaM Content Chain® celebrated

The winners of the IBC2024 edition BaM Awards® were announced at IABM’s BaM Awards® ceremony on 14 September at IBC2024. The BaM Awards® celebrate outstanding technological innovations that deliver real business and creative benefits. The winners, across nine categories described by the BaM Content Chain®, as well as a tenth category recognizing an outstanding project, collaboration, event or other innovation, were selected from an initial 140+ entries. The judging was carried out by a panel of 35 non-affiliated, expert judges, each with specialist expertise in one or more of the awards categories.

Stan Moote, CTO at IABM, who chaired the judging panel said, “Once again this year we have seen that innovation is not just alive and well, but positively thriving in Broadcast, Media and Entertainment. I say this for myself and also speak for the judges, as they love to get a glimpse into all the new and innovative shortlisted products and services. Entering the BaM Awards® is also good for sales; as one of the judges said in their covering note to me, ‘All done judging and there are some really exceptional innovations in there, and it’s added on my list for more testing for IBC and NAB.’”

The winners are listed below by category, with the judges’ comments appended.


nxtedition – XR/Mixed Reality Studio Gallery Control

“The word ‘groundbreaking’ appears in a lot of submissions for awards, but this truly is a groundbreaking product… For many years people have tried to reduce a control room to the size of a piece of paper. Is this the product that finally does it?… This is a really astonishing piece of kit, which I think is an outstanding and radical development.”


Mimir – Cloud video production and collaboration with Mimir

“This is a superior all-in-one solution that clearly delivers efficiency and benefits through a cloud-native, SaaS, serverless platform in one place and from anywhere… The integration of AI technologies and development of the automatic scene description function makes this a stand-out product, as evidenced by its rapid growth.”


Imaginario AI – Imaginario AI

“Integrating speech, video and audio into a single AI system enables greater efficiency and flexibility in day-to-day operations… Imaginario AI wins 1st place for its highly innovative multimodal AI video curation platform that significantly accelerates content management tasks like video indexing, search, and curation… Definitely on my list for more testing for IBC or NAB.”


MainStreaming – Innovative Edge Video Delivery Network disrupting classic CDN with new Anti-Piracy and CMCD+ features

“This is a new approach to streaming in scale and breaks today’s CDN structure into a core + edge environment…A reliable protection layer to guarantee global scale high quality broadcasts no matter where in the world and regardless of high volumes…Cyber threats are ever-present and data breaches are a constant concern, the secure delivery of intended content has become paramount.”


Mediagenix – Mediagenix Strategic Planning

“There’s life in linear channels yet — if they are run effectively and efficiently — and with Strategic Planning, Mediagenix has created a significant new tool for program schedulers to use to remain competitive…Simplifying the process of strategic planning whilst integrating with cloud platforms is timely, the focus on delivering meaningful quantification of content lifetime value through this tool is great to see.”


Media Distillery – Topic Distillery for Sports

“Great application of AI to increase the viewership and VOD potential of live content…We are increasingly in an era where discoverability, and the lack thereof, is turning off fans and making them ditch services. This use of AI and LLM seems poised to solve some of those headaches in a pragmatic and efficient manner… Great application of AI to increase the viewership and VOD potential of live content.”


TVU Networks – TVU MediaHub

“Comprehensive interoperability is offered and partnerships and collaboration in the industry is evident to make this an effective solution…Product vision aligns with the direction of end-users’ technology roadmaps, making this a very attractive product offering to bring to market…It eliminates the hardware constraints associated with traditional routing, allowing broadcasters to manage complex signal matrices through a cloud interface.”


GB Labs – NebulaNAS Production Cloud Storage

“Combining the flexibility and security of cloud storage with the performance of on-prem NAS is a perennial challenge for production and post workflows. GB Labs’ NebulaNAS can help solve that challenge, especially for teams working in multiple locations and with external partners… With excellent security and resilience this is a powerful solution, which makes life easier for creatives, wherever they may be.”


Touchstream – dVQA: Use Your Monitoring Metadata to Detect Video Quality Issues

“Viewers can tolerate a lot as long as they can still see and hear what’s going on. This system sticks to those basics, allowing it to deal with encoded content without decoding…An effective addition allowing quality monitoring without decoding needed.”

Project, collaboration, event or other innovation

Limecraft – The Delivery Workspace / DPG Media

“This has the opportunity to be widely adopted by a number of broadcasters and streamers…An innovative and efficient process for content…This is a well-executed project.”

The IBC2024 BaM Awards® winners are automatically shortlisted for IABM’s prestigious Peter Wayne Golden BaM Award®, with the winner announced at the IABM Annual Awards black tie gala dinner on 5 December 2024 in London.


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