IMDb Integration for Metadata Enrichment

IMDb Integration for Metadata Enrichment


IMDb Integration for Metadata Enrichment

Thu 09, 05 2024

KMH unveils a new integration that allows Knox users to seamlessly extract licensed metadata from IMDb -the world’s most popular and authoritative source for information on movies, TV shows, and celebrities- and enrich assets directly within the KMH platform.

Knox Media Hub has developed a direct integration with and is ready for use! Users of the KMH platform can now retrieve key information and metadata related to a movie or TV series in just one click. Directly from the Knox platform, you can retrieve the available data of a given title from IMDb and embed as metadata in your assets, mapping them according to your requirements.

Aligned with our commitment to simplicity, this feature is easy to use and can be found in the user menu.

This tool can also retrieve posters, images and synopsis and add them to your library as child assets. What’s more, when assets are part of a series, users can enrich metadata at both the series and episode levels. Finally, This integration is, of course, ready to be automated, allowing companies to enrich their catalogue information without additional effort. All the mentioned features can be utilized within the pipelines and workflows.

We’re incredibly excited to share this groundbreaking integration and the transformative impact it can have on the media landscape. Metadata serves as the backbone for cataloging, ensuring that assets remain organized, searchable, and valuable. Giving the ability to enrich assets with more and accurate metadata can help Media owners better manage their assets, increase asset discoverability and consistency throughout the supply chain. This is specially relevant in today’s fast-paced media landscape, where companies own huge catalogs and media assets navigate through various systems, teams, and workflows. Having comprehensive and exact metadata in all the media assets has become a challenge and his new feature will help Media owners to address this pain point.

About IMDb

IMDb is the world’s most popular and authoritative source for information on movies, TV shows, and celebrities. IMDb licensed datasets include authoritative metadata for more than 10 million titles including cast, writers, directors, release dates, plot synopsis, primary poster, genres, keywords and more; you can learn more at

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