Lee Turvey Joins Media-Anywhere to Lead Sales Organization

Lee Turvey Joins Media-Anywhere to Lead Sales Organization

Lee Turvey Joins Media-Anywhere to Lead Sales Organization

Fri 06, 09 2024

Amsterdam, – September 3 2024 – Media-Anywhere, the new venture pioneering remote editing services, is excited to announce the appointment of Lee Turvey as Global Sales Director. Lee will be at IBC 2024, spearheading the company’s introduction.

Lee Turvey joins Media-Anywhere from Adobe, having previously led the growth of Frame.io from start-up to its acquisition by Adobe in 2021. With his extensive experience in cloud based media workflows delivered in a Saas model, Lee, based out of the US, will be responsible for all clients of Media-Anywhere.

“Personally it is a great honor that Lee has chosen Media-Anywhere as his next home after Frame.io. Lee shares our vision for liberating media workflows, and sees the potential in our first product to make media stored in the cloud instantly available for stakeholders” said Peter Bruggink, CEO of Media-Anywhere.

Lee Turvey commented, “I’m thrilled to be part of Media-Anywhere at such a transformative time. This team is on the verge of redefining media workflows with purer, simpler solutions and I can’t wait to share the benefits of this game changing technology with industry leaders”.

Media-Anywhere is introducing its first product at IBC in September, allowing editors to collaborate remotely on media stored in the cloud. The patent pending solution allows instant access to edit without download, or moving files to a cloud-based file system.

About Media-Anywhere

Media-Anywhere believes web-based services offer immense opportunities for content creation and distribution workflows. Founded by industry leaders Peter Bruggink, Dr James Cain, and Dr Richard Cartwright, their vision is to make media instantly available and transformable, anywhere.

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