OOONA Simplifies Five-Point Localization Check with SynCheck

OOONA Simplifies Five-Point Localization Check with SynCheck


OOONA Simplifies Five-Point Localization Check with SynCheck

Fri 24, 03 2023

OOONA launches new addition to its Toolkit to enhance QA functionalities

Tel Aviv, March 21st, 2023OOONA, a global provider of professional management and production facilities for the media localization industry, today announced that it has launched a new tool to automate the quality assurance process of subtitle assets against videos at scale.

One of the most common operations performed by media localization staff and content owners ahead of the broadcast of subtitle or caption files is a technical check against the video source they are paired with to ensure the right file in the right language is being delivered or aired with the corresponding video. This is known as the ‘three-point’ or ‘five-point’ check, depending on how many instances of the file are checked against the video. As files get redelivered in different formats, for different platforms or to different video versions, such workflows account for a large volume of files undergoing a QC step.

“The OOONA SynCheck tool is designed to automatically check subtitle files against videos with corresponding file names when dropped in a folder or manually paired, and then to flag errors,” explains Alex Yoffe, OOONA Toolkit Product Manager. “We’ve had many clients ask for such a tool as this is a very common use case for language service providers and broadcasters alike. We’ve built a tool that can be customized as always, for example to the number of points that need to be checked for a file to pass QC, so it can be tailored to the requirements of any client.

“The tool checks if a given subtitle file is in the appropriate language and in sync with the corresponding video by automatically examining a configurable number of check points. It compares the subtitle text against the audio at the specific checkpoints with the help of speech recognition and machine translation technologies, then calculates a fuzzy match score. If this score is lower than a given threshold, the file is failed and tagged with an error flag. Users get the option to open it in OOONA’s Create Tool to fix the errors identified. This works well with the Create Tool’s advanced QA functionality which automatically checks for a variety of customizable errors on the basis of presets. It also offers a bird’s eye view of multiple language streams simultaneously which is useful for project managers, plus a user-friendly feature for tracking file revisions.”

“Quality assurance is a critical aspect of the media industry – it is a natural area of focus for us,” adds Wayne Garb, OOONA co-founder and CEO. “We are committed to providing our customers with innovative solutions that enable them to streamline their operations. SynCheck does just that.”

OOONA.Net Ltd ( develops professional management and production tools for the media localization industry. The company’s state-of-the-art software addresses any subtitling, voiceover, dubbing or captioning need. Modular pay-as-you-go pricing allows users to select the features they require. OOONA technology is trusted by major media localizers, broadcasters and thousands of users in over 100 countries around the world.

Contacts for further information

Newsmedia support: David Kirk, Stylus Media Communications

+44 (0)1342 311983 |

OOONA: Shlomi Harari, Global Account Manager

+972 732-688126 |

OOONA.Net Ltd., Hata’asiya St 4, Tel Aviv, Israel

+972 732-688126 | |

Twitter: @Ooona13 | Facebook:

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