Rohde & Schwarz Interactivity Test solution enables new ITU network performance evaluation recommendation

Rohde & Schwarz Interactivity Test solution enables new ITU network performance evaluation recommendation

Rohde & Schwarz Interactivity Test solution enables new ITU network performance evaluation recommendation

Thu 18, 05 2023

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has approved the Interactivity Test from Rohde & Schwarz as a test methodology. When compared to standard testing methods, the Interactivity Test provides a more accurate and comprehensive assessment of network performance for real-time and interactive applications. Mobile network operators who adopt the Interactivity Test can trust that Rohde & Schwarz mobile network testing solutions meet all Recommendation ITU-T G.1051 requirements.

The Interactivity Test is an innovative measurement approach introduced by Rohde & Schwarz in 2019 to address the increasing relevance of real-time and interactive applications in the era of 5G. It measures round-trip data latency, packet delay variations, packet error rates, and proofing bit rates to identify network issues affecting the quality and reliability of real-time and interactive services. Unlike legacy network performance tests that focus on data transfer speeds or network throughput, the Interactivity Test provides a more integrative and scalable solution.

Under real network load conditions, the Interactivity Test measures latency and adjusts load patterns to specific use cases. It provides low layer information on the packet service level and generates a network interactivity score for a specific use case through an over-the-top assessment. By identifying data transmission bottlenecks, the Interactivity Test helps optimize network infrastructure for real-time and interactive use cases, ensuring compliance with industry standards and regulations, and improving quality of experience (QoE) and quality of service (QoS).

Rohde & Schwarz offers Interactivity Test solutions that can be used with any of their active mobile network testing solutions. For instance, QualiPoc Android is a complete handheld test solution that evaluates and troubleshoots voice, video, and data service quality. It collects data from the L1 radio to the application layer and features an intuitive, customizable user interface. The dedicated QualiPoc Interactivity Test enhances the data transmission performance test suite by efficiently identifying transmission bottlenecks and providing insights from radio and IP traces. QualiPoc also covers other ITU service testing standards, such as POLQA ITU-T P.863 for telephone speech quality and ITU-T J.343.1 for mobile video quality analysis.

To facilitate benchmarking, Rohde & Schwarz offers SmartBenchmarker, a software platform for configuring, executing, and monitoring test campaigns with multiple channels. It simultaneously utilizes QualiPoc and RF scanners, such as the R&S TSME6, and allows remote operation with SmartMonitor.

Dr. Jens Berger, Senior Director Applied Research at Rohde & Schwarz Mobile Network Testing, emphasizes their pioneering role in implementing and deploying the Interactivity Test. Its value has been recognized by ETSI and the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector ITU-T, resulting in its own Recommendation ITU-T G.1051. Rohde & Schwarz continues to lead in the most advanced test and measurement approaches for mobile network testing, setting international standards.

For more information on Interactivity Test solutions from Rohde & Schwarz, you can read their mobile network testing stories and insights article series at: [link]

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Rohde & Schwarz, headquartered in Munich, Germany, is a technology group specializing in test & measurement, technology systems, and networks & cybersecurity. With over 85 years of experience, the independent

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