Rohde & Schwarz supplies Emitech’s new vehicle test center in France with its EMC test system

Rohde & Schwarz supplies Emitech’s new vehicle test center in France with its EMC test system

Rohde & Schwarz supplies Emitech’s new vehicle test center in France with its EMC test system

Thu 11, 05 2023

Emitech, a company specializing in applied testing for product qualification in the automotive sector, has inaugurated its new vehicle test center in Montigny-le-Bretonneux, France. The EMC chamber is equipped with a complete EMC test system from Rohde & Schwarz, including R&S BBA150, R&S BBA130, and R&S BBL200 broadband amplifiers, R&S ESW44 test receivers, R&S SMB100B RF signal generators, and power meters. At the inauguration ceremony in March, Rohde & Schwarz also demonstrated its innovative solution for advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) testing.

Emitech’s new test center is dedicated to electromagnetic compatibility tests for vehicles such as two and three-wheelers, cars, trucks, tractors, and construction machinery. The center also has the largest and most recent Faraday cage built in France, which is used to perform electromagnetic compatibility tests to ensure that the equipment under test does not generate interference and is not itself disturbed by interference representative of the context in which it will be used. The reinforcement of a heavy load area supports up to 40 t, allowing it to accommodate high-tonnage and high-volume equipment found in the defense, aeronautics, railways, nuclear power sectors, and industry.

The R&S BBA and R&S BBL amplifiers support the EMC tests at Emitech’s test center. They are housed in several system racks and supply high-power RF signals to all transducers used in the conducted and radiated EMC test setups. Two racks for R&S BBL200 amplifiers and a 3 kW power class R&S BBA150 amplifier are installed below the chamber, which work together to create a high field strength from 9 kHz to 1 GHz using one stripline antenna and two log-periodic antennas. Additionally, a mobile rack including 600 W/300 W power class R&S BBA130 amplifiers with one horn antenna is used inside the chamber for high field strength tests up to 6 GHz. The R&S BBA amplifiers cover frequency bands up to 6 GHz and can be used for a variety of applications, including the various standards for EMS measurements. The R&S BBL200 liquid-cooled power amplifiers for high field strengths complement the test setup. These amplifiers are ideal for applications requiring high RF power in a frequency range from 9 kHz to 250 MHz. They are liquid-cooled, solid-state, highly rugged, quiet, and efficient. Precise monitoring of all runtime parameters ensures maximum robustness and reliability. The amplifiers are designed for continuous operation and deliver constant power even under mismatch conditions.

This Rohde & Schwarz project for the French automotive market represents another benchmark EMC test solution.

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