The First NDI Eco-system Industry Summit

The First NDI Eco-system Industry Summit


The First NDI Eco-system Industry Summit

Fri 04, 08 2023

The first NDI eco-system industry summit will be held on August 22, 2023, in Beijing, China. The Summit will focus on the theme, “The Future of Broadcasting Industry: Workflow Based On NDI”.

The summit will be co-hosted by IABM, Kiloview, NDI, NETGEAR, SWIT, JVC, RIEDEL, and well-known brands in the industry. The agenda for the summit includes keynote speech, product demonstration, professional interaction and exchange, the latest industry trends sharing, and interpretation of leading technologies and applications.

As the authoritative voice for the Broadcast & Media industry, IABM facilitates the all-important networking and interaction that shape and define the unique ecosystem of the Broadcast and Media technology industry.

NDI technology helps bring broadcast-quality video to a whole new market and is widely used in the ecosystem across the industry. Our participation in this summit is also aimed at letting more professionals in the industry join the association and providing a platform for practitioners in the field of NDI to exchange, learn and share resources, and enhance communication and cooperation.


Time: 14:30-18:00 on August 22nd (Beijing Time)

Location: Yuntian Hall (Ground floor), Beijing Grand Skylight Hotel


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