Your Current Supplier Forces you to Move to the Cloud or to SaaS? Choose Etere for a More Consistent System

Your Current Supplier Forces you to Move to the Cloud or to SaaS? Choose Etere for a More Consistent System

Your Current Supplier Forces you to Move to the Cloud or to SaaS? Choose Etere for a More Consistent System

Thu 30, 11 2023

Etere is an open system that allows you to choose the best configuration for your business needs. Whether you need an on-premise or a hybrid/private/public cloud set-up, Etere has never discontinued a product or forced customers to change their system in the last 32 years.

While the cloud has been expanding its reach in the media and broadcast industry, Etere is committed to giving its users the flexibility to pick the best setup for their business. For example, Etere will never force you to move to the cloud. This is a commitment from Etere to all our customers. Are you forced to move to the cloud by your supplier? Choose Etere for a more consistent system. Furthermore, unlike a Software as a Service (SaaS) model, Etere users own the Etere Ecosystem software after purchase.

In addition, every system you buy from Etere is not just a product purchase; it’s the beginning of a customer journey with us. Your operational success and business goals matter to us, and we make it a point to develop a strategy and tailor a workflow that works best for your business.

Etere’s unwavering commitment to service excellence is evident in its unlimited free software updates and upgrades to all customers on a support contract, including security patches, new features, and modern interfaces. We invest in our research and development to develop solutions that give you the best business value. That essentially means that your Etere system will always be at the forefront of technology and ready for the next challenge, whether it is five years or 30 years from now.

To develop a media strategy that works for your business, please contact us for a personalized consultation. We look forward to reaching greater heights together with you.

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