Object Storage for Preservation of Digital Video

Object Storage for Preservation of Digital Video


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Object Storage for Preservation of Digital Video

By Sarah Cook, Director of Marketing, Caringo

Mon 18, 01 2021

To preserve digital video, you need the scalability, reliability, searchability and accessibility of Swarm object storage.

Every day more and more video is being produced—newsreels documenting historic events, epic series we binge watch, marvelous movies, documentaries and mocumentaries, DIY and product demos/promotion. There is an endless amount of video content that can be viewed with just a quick click.

Consider these statistics:

  • Mobile video consumption rises by 100% every year. (Insivia)
  • By 2022, online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer internet traffic — 15 times higher than it was in 2017. (Cisco)
  • Users view more than 1 billion hours of video each day on YouTube. (YouTube)

Why Preserve Digital Video?

Preservation of digital assets often leads to longtail economic value for the owner, and video has become an increasingly important means of communication, education, entertainment and historical documentation.

The case for preserving digital content is clear, but what is not so clear is the best way to store those assets and how to retrieve them when needed.

How Should I Preserve Digital Video?

You should preserve digital video using a solution that gives you scalability, reliability, searchability and accessibility—and nothing does this better than object-based storage. With Caringo Swarm, scalability and reliability are in our DNA. And, we’ve specifically worked towards making sure that you can find (using our metadata search capabilities) and access your video files and even specific clips of video files (using Partial File Restore).

Where Can I Learn More About Storing Digital Video?

This month, we will host two live webinar events where you can learn more about storing digital video assets.

Bigger, Stronger, Faster: Digital Video Growth for 2021, Brews & Bytes episode 14

On January 21, join Eric Dey, Caringo Head of Product, Ben Canter, Caringo Global VP of Sales, and Adrian J Herrera, Caringo VP Marketing, as they discuss:

  • Factors that will drive on-prem and cloud storage growth in the digital video market
  • Different storage and content distribution requirements for M&E, Sports Video, Broadcasters, and VOD services
  • Modern strategies for tiering video assets to increase storage cost-effectiveness

Register now to watch live or on demand.

Building a Complete, On-Prem Object Storage Solution, Tech Tuesday

On January 26, Chris Kehoe, Fujifilm Head of infrastructure Engineering, joins Ryan Meek, Caringo Principal Solutions Architect, and Jose Marcos, Caringo Sales Engineer to discuss how to build a complete, on-prem object storage solution with Caringo Swarm and FUJIFILM Object Archive.

Register now to watch live or on demand.

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