Quicklink’s remote contribution solutions help avoid over 21 thousand tonnes of CO2 in a single month

Quicklink’s remote contribution solutions help avoid over 21 thousand tonnes of CO2 in a single month


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Quicklink’s remote contribution solutions help avoid over 21 thousand tonnes of CO2 in a single month

Mon 17, 01 2022

Quicklink, the leading provider of video and audio contribution solutions, has helped avoid a total of 21,353 tonnes of CO2 being emitted into the atmosphere in just one month – the equivalent of 64,059 m2 of sea ice saved.

This result was calculated using Quicklink’s recently released Carbon Calculator tool which is built into Quicklink’s Studio solution. The tool automatically calculates the estimated CO2 avoided being emitted because of using the Quicklink platform, instead of travelling to a studio in-person. The amount of CO2 avoided is then intuitively displayed for both the remote contributors and Quicklink Manager operators, and there is an option to access customised data reports from selected time periods.

With transportation being a large source of worldwide CO2 emissions, Quicklink’s solutions allow you to professionally gather the highest-quality guest contributions using just a web browser on any desktop, laptop, or mobile device from the comfort of your guest’s home. With simple but effective management tools, you can manage your guests with the highest-level of control such as pre-screening, camera/microphone/speakers’ selection, resolution, audio mode/gain and more.

From extreme weather conditions across the globe, habitats being destroyed and sea levels rising, climate change is something that we should be taking very seriously. As a result, we are extremely proud that we have been able to assist our customers in reducing the amount of CO2 emissions they emit.” said Richard Rees, CEO of Quicklink.

Richard added; “The Quicklink solutions help reduce organisations impact on the planet, while still allowing you to produce broadcast-quality contributions, with the same peace of mind, and control of your guests as if you were there in-person.

Quicklink provides remote contribution solutions and helps reduce the amount of CO2 emitted for the world’s leading brands, including BBC, Aljazeera, CNN, BT Sport, NEP, Microsoft, Bloomberg, COMCAST, CBS, Fox Sports, S&P Global, Sky and more.

For more information on how Quicklink can assist in reducing your CO2 emissions, please click here.

In addition, you can download the ‘Reducing your Carbon Footprint: Protect our Planet Without Compromising on Quality’ whitepaper and read how Quicklink are committed to helping business here.

About Quicklink

Quicklink, headquartered in the UK, supply over 800 companies with award-winning software and hardware IP solutions for the transmission of live and edited video. As Emmy Award and Queen’s Award for Innovation winners, Quicklink are proud to have been recognised for the solutions we develop on a global scale. www.quicklink.tv

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